AC08 - Tapewolf - Final ColorsPegasus316 on DeviantArt

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Pegasus316's avatar

AC08 - Tapewolf - Final Colors



Commissioned by :icontapewolf: at AC 2008. :) In previous posts, I've stated the character's name as "Tapewolf", but his ACTUAL name is "Dorcan". Just to get the record straight. :)

I never realized how rusty I was with markers 'til it came time to work on this one. o_o Took me twice as long to get it colored as I thought it would.

Overall, though, I hope he likes how it came out. :)

Dorcan is property of :icontapewolf:.
Artwork is © 2008 - 2009 Adam Fullerton.
Do not redistribute!
Image size
568x720px 142.68 KB
© 2009 - 2025 Pegasus316
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katarthis's avatar
Demon doby? Are those horns? Well, I can't imagine the owner not being happy with it. But it is one of those "only the owner knows for sure" sort of things. I still think you did a good job though.
