Current Residence: Our Condo
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Large
Print preference: On paper..? o_o
Favorite genre of music: Classic Rock, although I like just about everything.
Favorite photographer: Gonna have to go with my dad. Even if he doesn't think so himself.
Favorite style of art: I'm partial to comic oriented art. Although, Boris Valejo is nothin' to sneeze at.
Operating System: Windows Vista
MP3 player of choice: WinAmp
Wallpaper of choice: Random art.
Skin of choice: No specific favorites
Favorite cartoon character: Too many to choose from. (At the moment, I'm favoring the "Adventure Time" cast.)
Personal Quote: "What happens if you get scared half to death twice?" - Stephen Wright
Nice art gallery! Can I ask you a request?
Sure! Send me a Note and we can talk it out.
Thanks for watching me =^_^=