Thank YouPegaSisters82 on DeviantArt

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PegaSisters82's avatar

Thank You



This is a little gift for everyone at :iconmylittleponyspain: Their stand (Spaniard Hooves) was right next to ours in Japan Weekend and they were all really nice. Never have I been so proud of being a brony. >w<

Β‘Muchas gracias, nos lo pasamos muy bien! :la:

-Neon Glow
Image size
636x673px 346.6 KB
Β© 2013 - 2025 PegaSisters82
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Atrensis's avatar
It was great being next to you! Hopefully we'll all be in more events in the future. :3
(I was the one as King Sombra on Saturday and Rarity on Sunday)