Starlight the Star PonyPegaSisters82 on DeviantArt

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Starlight the Star Pony



New pony OC and original pony species too. :la:

It is an open species, which means anyone can do their own star pony OC. I only need some credit, please. ^-^
All star ponies:
-have wings that look crystal or metal-like and float above a marking on their back (they all have wings and no horn, no unicorns, no alicorns except for the princess I designed)
-have extra fluff at top and lower part of ears
-have crystal or metal-like hooves
-have a long tail with the shape of a celestial body or anything related to space at end. (even if stars don't look like that. XD)
-have pupils in the shape of a star

I love them and I'm sure gonna make more. :la:

You can do your own OC but you cannot do adoptables. Thanks.

- Pegasister Neon
Chibi Starlight by PegaSisters82Starlight by PegaSisters82Princess Starfall by PegaSisters82Satellite Shine by PegaSisters82Celestial Rings by PegaSisters82
Image size
1297x1200px 914.44 KB
© 2013 - 2025 PegaSisters82
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ivyonamino's avatar
Is it an open species that I can draw?