Pony Tutorial - My Style (English/Castellano)PegaSisters82 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pegasisters82/art/Pony-Tutorial-My-Style-English-Castellano-403554638PegaSisters82

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Pony Tutorial - My Style (English/Castellano)



Someone asked for a little tutorial on how I draw ponies so here it is. ^^ I hope it can help.

If you don't understand my handwriting, let me know and maybe I can change everything to computer. >-<

And, if you try it, I'd love to see the results! =D

- Neon Glow
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1431x4092px 2.42 MB
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Dekshuduph's avatar
If I don't understand your handwriting?  Your handwriting looks even better than when I inscribe mine on the computer, and I do get comments every so often on my own handwriting.  Yours is perfectly tame and you should feel proud of it; use it more often, even.  Nice touch adding spanish for your spanish-speaking userbase.