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I saw this filly in EQD ([link]) and wanted to draw her. ^-^
Also, I tried some new things with the colors, I hope you like it.
- Pegasister Neon
Also, I tried some new things with the colors, I hope you like it.
- Pegasister Neon
Image size
693x637px 284.32 KB
© 2013 - 2025 PegaSisters82
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she the studen of cadance! and she know to make true love potion and most be use on a magic arrow! not normal arrow! the magic arrow she use destroy them self were he hit the target! normal arrow dont work with love potion! why? cuz he hurt and he can kill! 2000 years a go a cupid pony a use a real arrow with love potion, and he kill the target! is the reason is now a big no for normal arrow for do the job as a cupid pony! all the cupid pony know is no and is can kill the pony or other creature by use love potion + normal arrow! the love can only be truly by love potion(not the love poison) + magic arrow = Love arrow! Warning! the love arrow work for 24 hour if he not be shot and hit the target! the magic arrow be use can create other type of magic arrow, like fire arrow, ice arrow, lighting arrow, light arrow! but one arrow is very hard to create and is the harmony arrow, every pony who a try to create it(to fight discord, again the will of celestia) a fail all the time! reason why this type of arrow a never be succeed be create? is unknow! celestia her self a never succeed to created, in 1000 years and no pony a succeed to make it! twilight a try but she fail! she use the element on one arrow but the arrow a blow up! the element are to powerful the magic arrow! the other o f magic arrow more easy to create and no limite of time to wait befor to shot! only the love arrow got time limit! but ones be shot on the target the love magic got got no limit of time but love can be broken or heal! cadance can easy heal broken love and create love! if cadance use a magic arrow + her love magic is become a love arrow! and the love arrow create by cadance got twist the time limit! is the type of love arrow lovestuck use the most!