GLACEON DerpyPegaSisters82 on DeviantArt

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PegaSisters82's avatar




I did this Derpy a few days ago for Project GLACEON and I just saw a Derpy appeared since last time I saw it. But as the person who drew it has already drawn another pony I'm gonna try anyway. There's no time to start again from zero. T-T

Be it part of project GLACEON or not I just hope you like it. ^v^
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750x1050px 314.84 KB
© 2014 - 2025 PegaSisters82
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RockingScorpion's avatar
I just went through all the stuff in my wallet and found this as a GLACEON print. I decided to check out your DA, to watch you and everything - and this is a really cool picture.

But I'm going to be honest: I have no idea how I got this. Just too much happened to me during that weekend. xD

Hope you had a great time at GalaCon as well (if you've been there, that is). :)