iKons 4 CS4Pedro-de-la-Luna on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/pedro-de-la-luna/art/iKons-4-CS4-115170677Pedro-de-la-Luna

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Pedro-de-la-Luna's avatar

iKons 4 CS4



To answer those who asked me to do so :), this is a new icons pack for the Creative Suite (4, this time), still based on the boxes' design...

To get the original psds, check this out ;)

Update: I got bored... so I made 9 more iKons (Encore, Bridge, Device Central, Contribute, Acrobat, plus folders) :)
anonymous's avatar
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armani077's avatar
Excellent work !!! I noticed your update, can you do a package for Office (Wd, Xc, Pp,Pu,Ou,Vc.)