I was there, Gandalf...

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PeckishOwl's avatar
... I was there, when a certain Owl reached 500 watchers. - lord Elrond.

You may have noticed a ... most peculiar way in which I've decided to celebrate this wonderful event (if not, be sure to witness my meeting with Thorin Oakenshield in Oakentoon #44 peckishowl.deviantart.com/art/… and, ahem, some rather disturbing images here peckishowl.deviantart.com/art/… and here peckishowl.deviantart.com/art/…).

Thank you once more for your support and kindness, it's a pleasure to mock his #majesty's #majesty in the storm of your applause! :D

So I was thinking about another OakenContest and a crazy thought, based on Oakentoon #23 peckishowl.deviantart.com/art/…, poped up in my mind. What if his #majesty survived the turmoil of war and lived to see the events from "The Lord of the Rings"?

Unleash your imagination and let me know where and when in "The Lord of the Rings" would you like me to place his #majesty and I'll do the rest! Would you like him to meet Gandalf at the Council of Elrond and explain why you should never trust an elf? Would you like him to defend Erebor from the forces of Sauron? Would you like him to decide who will be the dwarfish envoy for the Fellowship of the Ring or discuss the matter of Balin's quest to reclaim Moria? Take your time! I'm waiting for your answers until the end of May! :dummy:

Also, stay tuned for the winner of our latest OakenContest - an Oakentoon with Haldir which is coming next week!

Bows and hoots!
P. Owl
© 2013 - 2024 PeckishOwl
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being honest, I'd like to see the majesty of Thorin EVERYWHERE!! I mean, like he pops up from no-where XDD
Oh! I would like him to annoy Legolas, as he is the main elf character :DD I know Thorin would like to annoy Thraundil's son as a revenge, There are a lot of Legolas' moments to make fun of!!

Maybe the moment when Thorin meets everybody and then see all the hobbits and he's like ''not again'' (just omit the phrase e__e)
I think If thorin goes on the journey with Legolas, Aragonr and Gimli, I'd be majestically funny *0* maybe he and Gimli becomes bestfriends and mock Legolas *-*...Yeah, I want to see Legolas suffering >:DD mwahaha

;A; I just want this oakentoon to be long *rolls on the floor* and also want to see leggy lol. yeah, I like him...being mock by others in memes and stuff :33

loves and hugs!! I'm sure whatever you choose to make will be majestic!! *0* -did I mentioned I want legolas to be mocked...- XDD