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Thank You!
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!
Feeling very happy & appreciated right now ^ v ^
My special thanks go to ...
~Miss-Merriweather (
... for this wonderful Birthdaytoon:
... and to ...
... for this very special donation:
... and to ...
... for premium :pointr: Hooting on deviant
Yours sincerely,
Lady P. Owl
Chief Ambassador of the Woo
Valentoon Winner!
Hello, Oakenlovers!
I'm happy to announce that the Winner of The Valentoon Contest is...
~MoralCode (
... whose proposition of his #majesty's Famous Last Words were:
"Farewell, Master Burglar; go back to your pottery, your doilies, your gardens.
Adopt a nephew, watch him grow.
Write a book, forget the end.
Greet the dawn, forget the night.
Make a map, forget the key.
But, Bilbo Baggins, never forget-your handkerchief-the value of home.
If more of us valued home above gold, it would be a merrier world.".
Congratulations, MoralCode, on winning yourself a very special OakenCommission! ^ v ^
As always, my huge THANK YOU for ever
The Valentoon Contest!
Hello, Oakenlovers!
Thank you all for joining the discussion about „The Hobbit. The Battle of the Five Armies” on my previous Journal Entry and sharing your thoughts about its ups and downs. With the Leafytoons behind us, let us move to some really important stuff like…
... Valentine’s Day! :dummy:
Here, in sMirkwood Embassy, we have a fine tradition of celebrating this wonderful-to-some-or-so-they-say celebration with a special Oakentoon (see :pointr: and :pointr:
Where is the hand on the harpstring ...
Dear Oakenlovers,
Please excuse Your Humble Owl for adding a spoon of wood tar into the barrel of honey dripping throughout the Internet on how wonderful the last “Hobbit” movie was. For me, it was a disaster. Harsh as this statement may seem, my heart was broken and defiled. You know I’m not some dumb Middle-Earth hater. I loved “The Lord of the Rings” and I can honestly say I really enjoyed the first two “Hobbit” movies. The Oakentoons were one of the outcomes of my very profound attachment to what I’ve read and seen so far. Sure, I did have a lot of fun mocking the plot and the characters, b
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