Yuzuki YukariPechan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pechan/art/Yuzuki-Yukari-672117376Pechan

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Yuzuki Yukari



Star! Star! Writing I'm OPEN for commissions! New year, new art, new news.SO [free] miku icon pack 2016 has wrapped up and now we're in a new year Happy New Year 2011  I know a lot of people were just waiting for this year to end, but other than a personal block of mine this has been a good year. Unfortunately I lost A TON of respect for incredible artists I've always looked up to simply cause they started to call every American an ignorant racist because of who was elected president. That's cool you can use blanket terms to describe a whole country of people (totally not hypocritical and racist amirite) and I won't stop them from saying it. I'm just kinda sad I can't enjoy their amazing art as much as I used to. :sigh: (a couple of those artists i would buy art books from every year. oh well.) 
Sorry I just had to get that off my chest. It had been nagging at me for a while. But now for the good part of the year!
I started to expand my art s
  Please note or email me if you're interested or have any questions :ladummyhighfive:  Star! Star! 


Hey guys! In between working on commissions I'm gonna participate in an art challenge this month. A Vocaloid Art challenge that's going on my my Artist Chat on LINE. :) (Smile) Not only to keep me motivated and have fun, but also to share my love of of them! Srsly, I have over 20 CDs...

Day 20: A Vocaloid owned by AH-Software. 

My favorite Vocaloids tend to have not only a more mature voice, but a more relaxed or powerful tone compared to bright and bubbly. (not that I don't appreciate those!) Yukari had a more deceptively harder outfit to draw than I thought but you never know sometimes, lol. She is my favorite from this company, both in her vocals and design. 

Here's my favorite song of hers! youtu.be/fclXVYU2kv8 It's a real chill song to drive to on a warm sunny day in SoCA, I  listen to it pretty frequently. No idea what it's about though, lol. 
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