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pearwood's avatar
Mist In Quietude

Sous l'arbre nuage,

Le givre trace des cercles

Souffle d’ hiver doux


Brume de silence,

Les branches gravent le ciel

L'hiver éternel


Beneath the pale tree,

Frost traces circles gently

Winter's tender breath


Mist in quietude,

The branches carve through the sky

Winter everlasting



Paired with one of mine, as on my home page.

2025-032 Circles in the snow, with poem

Pearwood's 2025A feature log

Steve's suggestions on how to leave a good comment...

  1. Tell the artist what caught your eye, something your particularly liked or didn't like.

  2. Tell the artist something you think they could have done differently or better.

  3. Suggest an alternate title; it tells the artist what you saw in the image.

  4. Interact with the artwork, continue its story.

  5. Ask the artist how or why they did something.

  6. If nothing else, even "Ooh, pretty!" or "Oh, ick!" is a lot more information than no comment at all.

© 2025 pearwood
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