Beware blind men with cursed swordsPeace-In-Violence on DeviantArt

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Beware blind men with cursed swords



Hey there everyone, allow me to present yet another book cover that my cruel overlords have coerced me into drawing for them. I was going to call these vile oppressors Necessity and Deadline, but neither is particularly true and they're both quite boring  so we'll go with Indolence and Heliophobia. Anyway, what you see above is a scene from the story in question ( a short story) wherein our dashing protagonist tries to secret a rather nefarious sword inside a heartwood tree ( a species renowned for their ability to draw out curses and evil magic in general). It's been jabbering at him nonstop for about a week now and all he wants is some shuteye, but I'm not entirely sure that is gonna happen...
 As for what the story is about, a quick synopsis would be: man finds evil sword, takes it home, begins polishing it, keeps polishing it, continues to polish it, grows increasingly irritable at minor things until irritation turn into violence against loved ones. Enter protagonist, a half-breed human and elf ( think elf because it's similar but the race is actually original/ different) named Jura, who alone sense the evil lurking with the sword and because of his inhuman heritage has slight resistance to it. He, being the morally constrained sort, takes it upon himself to steal the sword and cart it off to get destroyed. Thus the story begins.
Here's a link to the real synopsis (peace-in-violence.deviantart.c…) and another link to the first chapter/prologue (peace-in-violence.deviantart.c… )

On a different note, I'm taking some online perspective classes so I might upload some of those assignments if any of those turn out interesting...

 Fare thee well my future friends      
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