Thank you so much for the Fave,
I really appreciate that <3
you're welcome! it certainly needs more :)
Hello Peace-in-Violence!
I just wanted to come over and say thank you for the favourite you left on my latest artwork :love . Your support really matters to me, especially in this still wild time with Covid and all the struggles this little beasty virus brings with it! : D
I would love to see you again on my gallery and I wish you only the best until then! Did you have a good first half of 2021? What happened in your life in this time? What Covid a big deal for you and your family?
Would love to read from you!
Until then - stay healthy, be happy and become the best version of yourself!
Yours, Alka.
You are quite welcome. It's a good piece, as are many of your other pieces. Some are really quite impressive, so nicely done. As for covid, me and my family survived that pretty well and I hope you're not too terribly aggrieved by the whole ruckus.
Best of luck too you.
Also, I'm taking your picture hostage until you go pursuing through my gallery.
Thanks for the llama!
thank you for stopping by
No problem!