Payton And Christianpaytonsnewheart on DeviantArt

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Payton And Christian



Well, I did it! I made a drawing of my organ donor and I. On March 18, I will be 7 years post-transplant and I am hoping for more years to come. This drawing is in honor of my donor, Christian. I am going to take this drawing and place it on his gravesite so his friends and family see it to know that I still remember him and not forget him. This wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for one of my good friends, :iconcrowtower-studios:. I really did have fun doing this, even though I had trouble understanding some things (LID!). I thought I would get emotional during the process since I have survivor's guilt, but Lewis made me smile, laugh, encouraged me, cheered me on even when I doubted myself, and so much more. No one could ask for a better FRIEND. I thank you for teaching me; I wish there was a way I could give back to you. I also thank my friends from Discord (Haos, Julianne, Obsin, and Syrsa) for critiquing me and giving me feedback on what I needed to work on.

However, I also created this drawing because I wanted to spread awareness and support of organ donation. Today, I received a newsletter from Life Connection. The statistics really bothered me:

In 2018, there were more transplants than ever. There are more than 36,500 transplants, making it the 6th consecutive record breaking year. There were more than 10,700 deceased donors in 2018, making it the 8th consecutive record breaking year. There are nearly 6,900 living donor transplants in 2018. It is the highest total since 2005. The data was based from UNOS as of January 8, 2019. Every 10 minutes, another person is added to the transplant waiting list. 22 people die each day because the organ they need is not donated in time.

I have seen forum posts that many people would not donate their organs or that they would only donate to close friends or family members. As a heart transplant recipient, this really bothers me. I was on the very top of the transplant list, but didn't have seniority. I only waited 9 days for a heart, and I was only 11 years old at the time. I would not be here if it weren't for Christian, who donated all 8 of his organs.

Not only you can save lives with organ donation, you can also do eyes, tissues, blood, and platelets and marrow. PLEASE sign up to be a donor by going to this link: or going to your local BMV to sign up when you get or renew your driver license.
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© 2019 - 2025 paytonsnewheart
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Barosus's avatar
Really amazing, Payton! 
Beautiful by KmyGraphic