Je suis étudiant en GEII (je fais un DUT) et comme beaucoup de jeunes, je passe souvent du temps sur internet; Hé oui ! C'est un peu mon petit jardin secret 😊
Venez checker mon incroyable fanfiction appelé NINEPATH TRAVELER basé sur cet incroyable jeu qu'est OCTOPATH TRAVELER ! Il raconte l'histoire de mon OC (qui a 6 ans) qui se retrouve piégé dans le jeu !
J'ai aussi un petit faible pour les fanarts de jolies filles portant des gants.
Et au cas où, j'ai le syndrome d'Asperger.
I am actually an Industrial computing and electrical engineeing student (DUT)?and like many young people, I often spend time on the internet:
Oh yes !It's a bit like my little secret garden 😊
Come check out my incredible fanfiction called NINEPATH TRAVELER based on this incredible game that is OCTOPATH TRAVELER! It tells the story of my OC (who is 6 years old) who finds himself trapped in the game!
I also have a soft spot for pretty girls wearing gloves fanarts.
And just in case, I have Asperger's syndrome.
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Hey there. I did your Tiana & Cody request. Hope you like it.
Hello! Do you rp?
hello, actually, I'm busy sorry
Hi there. I finished your Cody & Tiana request. Hope you like it
Hi what do you want ?