I´m a Brazilian artist
Thank you !
Current Residence: Santos/ São Paulo/ Brazil
Favourite genre of music: rock and it´s sub-types
Favourite style of art: Reanaissance and art- noveau
MP3 player of choice: Ipod
Favourite cartoon character: Spoonge Bob Square Pants
Personal Quote: Man, all that I know are in Portuguese, so you won´t undestand any word
Congratulations on the figures or art you produce! When will we see you produce drawings or materials related to naked women fighting in a boxing ring? When are you going to give us drawings of naked women boxing in a boxing ring? Provide us with this joy and you will gain more admirers! You are capable! Let's go!
Hi! I wanna say I love how you draw major force he’s incredible looking! :3
Come back to us.
can you do commissions?
I enjoyed your art. Thanks for it.