DOCTOR WHO #1 from Titan ComicsPaulHanley on DeviantArt

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DOCTOR WHO #1 from Titan Comics

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Glad I can finally let this secret out of the bag... it took 30 years of practice, but I'm finally an official, BBC-approved Doctor Who artist! Out July 23rd: my very limited (only 500 of each) covers for DOCTOR WHO: THE TENTH DOCTOR #1 and DOCTOR WHO: THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR #1 from Titan Comics, available exclusively from retailer Heroes and Fantasies in San Antonio.  The killer colors on this are by my fellow IDW vet Simon Gough :iconspidermanfan2099:

Find out how to order your signed copies HERE (and yes, international shipping is available):…

I'll be doing plenty of cons and signings in Austin and San Antonio to promote them starting next month, so more on that soon.  And let's just say that Titan is going to be watching how these sell, so... if you want to see more official Who work from me (and Simon!), pick 'em up, huh? ;)

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© 2014 - 2025 PaulHanley
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