Kingdom Hearts - Sora vs Roxaspauldng on DeviantArt

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pauldng's avatar

Kingdom Hearts - Sora vs Roxas


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"No! My heart belongs to me!"  - Roxas

This piece took so long to finish, just because Kingdom hearts is such a special game to me. My fave character has to be Roxas. I love that he doesn't fit the typical hero frame. He doesn't deserve the ending he got though, when his summer vacation ended :'(.
I hope he's a usable character in KH3! :D

Listening to "Roxas's Theme / The Other Promise" makes me cry, every single time. :'(

Kingdom Hearts - Sora Donald Goofy by pauldng Kingdom Hearts - Sora, Roxas as Squall, Cloud by pauldng  WIP - Kingdom Hearts -  Aqua Ven Terra by pauldng WIP - Kingdom Hearts Kairi, Sora and Riku by pauldng Kingdom Hearts - Roxas by pauldng 
Sora Donald Goofy -
Roxas -…
Sora -…
Image size
893x1000px 902.6 KB
© 2014 - 2025 pauldng
fiercedeitymaskplz's avatar

This is good, but two of the three Keyblades are being held awkwardly.

The only one being held correctly is Roxas holding Oathkeeper. His other wrist should go over Oblivion's handguard, same with Sora's right wrist over Kingdom Key's guard.

But as I said, outside of that, this is good.

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