Paul-Muad-Dib's avatar


Georg Joergens
348 Deviations
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Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
My Bio

Current Residence: Neuss, Germany

Favourite genre of music: diffrently

Favourite style of art: paintings, 3D, digital Art

Operating System: Windows 7.0

Wallpaper of choice: my colored X-Wing

Skin of choice: space_shuttle_girl__on_duty__by_stellasvartur

Favourite cartoon character: Cpt. Future

Favourite Visual Artist
Daniel Simon, Syd Mead, Ron Cobb, Luis Royo, Sorayama, Feng Zhu - and many more
Favourite Movies
Oblivion, Ender's Game, John Wick
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Disturbed, Breaking Benjamin, Dope, Hammerfall,
Favourite Books
Jurassic Park, Nippon Connenction, Sphere
Favourite Writers
Michael Crichton, Frank Schätzing, Andreas Brandhorst, Andreas Eschbach
Favourite Games
Ratchet and Clank - A crack in time
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Corel Draw 7.0, Photoshop, my Hands & my Brain
Other Interests
SciFi, Comic, Phantastik, Movies

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excellent travail,a montrer a Leloup!bravo

Dude, you are from Neuss?! That's hillarious, me too XD

ja, ich wohne seit ca. 12 Jahren in Neuss.
Darf ich mal fragen: Was ist ein Neuromimeticist?
Wenn du mal Zeit hast, können wir uns ja mal treffen und austauschen - ich hab von 3D Software mal so gar keine Ahnung und Erfahrung - ich arbeite immer noch mit einer 2D Plattform (Corel & Photoshop)

Hey! Me want some MCU vehicles please.

I really love your blueprints! .. Perfection!