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Ah here's my latest piece.. Finally!!!

One of the coolest games I've played in a long time.. inFAMOUS has such a great storyline (the ending KICKS-ASS :D) and the gameplay is just too good!

So I couldn't help myself but to make a pic for it.. This has taken me a while to do, mainly because I've been flatout with a special commish at the moment.. It's been way to long since I've drawn something for myself, so this really helped keep the motivation and passion going!

This has really been a learning curve for me, electricity is SO COOL TO DRAW!!! Plus I've been loving perspective..

Please let me know what you think! Maybe a little critique :D

Image size
2339x3307px 5.43 MB
© 2009 - 2024 PatrickBrown
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hightravler's avatar

this and the second game will always be better then second son.