The Lost and DamnedPatrickBrown on DeviantArt

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The Lost and Damned

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Few! Damn that took a long time!
Over the last few weeks I've been working on this piece.. I guess I really just wanted to take my time haha!

Well as you can see I've been LOVING The Lost and Damned on Xbox 360, so much that I had to do a pic on it :D
I loved the fact that you can use a baseball bat on your bike while racing, So I took advantage of it ;)

I've had this exact thing happen to me in the game haha.. I was coming 2nd until I sped up beside the biker in front, and hit him with my bat, the hit made him veer to the left and collide with an oncoming car.. His body went so high I couldn't believe it haha!

I had so much making this, from sketch to lines to colouring.. I LOVED IT, so much fun! I can't wait till the next episode comes out! I'll have to do another GTA LEGENDS :D

A few references have been use, mainly for the bike ( coz I know nothing about them) and building!
The billboards are made by Rockstar Games.. I just borrowed them from in-game screenshots..

Anyways I hope you all enjoy this, Please let me know what you think ;)

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1400x990px 1.15 MB
© 2009 - 2025 PatrickBrown
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Cholnatree's avatar

That willard 500 man! that car so rare in gta iv, very epic!!