Grand Theft Awesome IVPatrickBrown on DeviantArt

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Grand Theft Awesome IV

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Just to show my dedication to this game, GTA IV is the best game ever made so far I recon.. And thanx to Rockstar Games for creating such a master peice..

This is main character Niko Bellic and his cousin Roman Bellic escaping the police during the chaos they've caused :D

This piece took me about 10 or so hours to create, the background itself took around 8..
I've really enjoyed doing every minute of this, plus i've learnt so many more tricks along the way!

If you haven't played this game I suggest you go out right now and BUY IT ;)

Let me know what you guy's think?
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1200x848px 1.04 MB
© 2008 - 2025 PatrickBrown
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As a GTA IV player, I can say that this is a really great art.