GTA V - Launch piecePatrickBrown on DeviantArt

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GTA V - Launch piece

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Grand Theft Auto V is only 6 days away! I wanted to do something for the launch of the game and this is what I've come up with. I really wanted to do something that uses all three protagonists in one scene, so here we have a bit of a gang shootout that takes part in a robbery, you can see the armored truck in the distance.

I really can't wait for GTA V, it's so close but the days are going so slow, it's going to be amazing. You can expect many more GTA V artworks to come, I am planning on doing a GTA V Online piece of fan art too.

I will also be doing a GTA V review once I have a good play through of the game, if you haven't seen my new review section, check it out:

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1600x1105px 1.28 MB
© 2013 - 2025 PatrickBrown
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Grand Theft Auto 5 babyyyy!😎