patriciabrennan on DeviantArt

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patriciabrennan's avatar




I took a break from my extremely boring commissions and came up with this :nod:.

I was inspired by lisajen-stocks quirky image,[link] and have been dying for an excuse to use Elfe-noire brushes.

The girl brushes texture

My sincere thanks to them all :heart:

I am drowning under a sea of lovely messages and faves, thank you all so much, I am getting through them. It would help if DA allowed the recent messages to be reversed so you could reply to the oldest first. Don’t you think? Just a thought, thank you for looking :blowkiss:
Image size
464x600px 139.21 KB
© 2007 - 2024 patriciabrennan
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I love your art work.

I hope to shortly release a 17th century Covent Garden based crime story - The Covent Garden Enigma. The main character was brought up in a brothel the son of a spurned courtesan. Grown he is a conman, entrepreneur and abuser of young virgin waifs and strays who end up in one of his eventual three brothels or dead if they object. A blond-haired teenage flower girl/nymph (the names for child prostitutes as young as 10 during this period) is the first casualty disposed of in the Thames.

I am looking at a picture for the front  of my book and Undine would be perfect. I would be more than happy to promote your artistry within my credits and to my fellow writing fraternity who are always looking for quality covers for their books.

What would you charge for the photo?