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Stella Marz, Arthur Bright, it's official.jpg
570.37 KB - 996 x 716
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Location The fictitious world of books
52cm by 37.5cm. Worked acrylic. Background story. Both legal minds, big court cases in their portfolio, political and socially ambitious, sympathetic characters by how they are written together. However, the engines of this story 'Dark Lady' by Richard North Patterson that I have illustrated here is a thriller come crime novel. I don't consider this in the category of fan art as it comes from literature without pictures. Things have moved on since I read this and I am more aware of the imagery of vice in thrillers and whodunnits. Fates are cast young and knowledge is acquired at a cost. I imagine most lawyers offices are not like this but figured they should be.
Image size
996x716px 570.37 KB
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