I'm Roswell! I'm a digital furry artist and queer content creator. I'm not active here anymore, sorry to say. I now only use this account to collect art I like and tutorials and stuff as a resource.
If my terms and flags have helped you, that makes me so happy! It's my passion. Unfortunately due to circumstances out of my control I've had to back away from using my old accounts for my own mental health after attacks and false accusations from kiwifarms and other transphobic individuals and groups. I still create queer content separately and have plans for the future as an educator.
Also I'm an an anti-radqueer radinclus and I hate proshippers/comshippers die mad about it UwU <3
Basically, I'm trying to say if you're an asshole to people about their identities or call people cringy for being themselves I don't want to talk to someone like that. I need to edit my info here too to be more clear.
also an SJW is just someone who cares about social justice. it's been turned into an insult, but some of us still use it semi-seriously because we don't care about the opinions of people who are against social justice and people being happy
Also check out steven universe future if you haven't already, it's *good*
My tumblr is pastelroswell now, I changed it a while back but didn't edit it here. I'm currently inactive on tumblr due to personal reasons