NeuschwansteinPassion91 on DeviantArt

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Taken by : Nikon D3000
Lens : 18-55 mm
3 shot panorama / no tripod

I have taken this panorama on the Marienbrücke bridge that was on the other side of the castle .

Fussen , Germany .

For more information [link]

The Neuschwanstein is one of the most popular of all the palaces and castles in Europe. "the castle of the fairy-tale king".

The palace was commissioned by Ludwig II of Bavaria as a retreat and as an homage to Richard Wagner.
The palace was intended as a personal refuge for the reclusive king, but it was opened to the paying public immediately after his death in 1886.[1] Since then over 60 million people have visited Neuschwanstein Castle.[2] More than 1.3 million people visit annually, with up to 6,000 per day in the summer.[3] The palace has appeared prominently in several movies and was the inspiration for Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle.

for more info visit [link]
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Image size
2480x732px 1.87 MB
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NanisKa's avatar
Stunning!! Feels like it's in a fairytale! :love: