New featured (at last!): ArtfulAnarchy

4 min read

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passingfancyrae's avatar

I present to you, the beauty, talent and incredible AWESOMENESS that is :iconartfulanarchy:
OMG, these two gorgeous women are not only sexy as hell, they have some mad cosplaying skills.  I was first hooked by their Disney Warrior Princess cosplays, and then I kept coming back for more.
Here's the one that hooked me:
Disney Warrior Princesses by ArtfulAnarchy
Here's some more choice shots of this cosplay:
Aurora and Ariel by ArtfulAnarchy :thumb328430077:
My favorite part of their cosplays are the details (they wear a lot of fun fishnets that are to die for) and the BOOTS!  Also, check out the character-specific makeup they do.  It's phenomenal!
Harley Quinn by ArtfulAnarchy Poison Ivy by ArtfulAnarchy
The Fire Nation by ArtfulAnarchy
To Realize this Wish by ArtfulAnarchy :thumb322333533:

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