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What really sucks
About being sick...(because I am. Really sick. I want a popsicle.)
Being unable to sleep because you're unable to breathe without either coughing or sneezing or hacking on phlegm.Being really, really sleepy but unable to stay asleep because you're on a steroid inhaler so you can breathe.Blowing your nose and still being unable to breathe through it.Laughing that turns into ripping, tearing coughs and gasps for breath.The piles of gross used tissues that fill the wastebasket- and pile up around it from the ones you missed when your aim was off (because, let's face it, even though it's your snot, who really wants to touch them after you're d
Devious Journal Entry
Because I felt a need to write it down...
(And yes, I am fully aware that there are innumerable ships I haven't listed. I am merely listing my favorites.)
Nalu (Natsu x Lucy)- because Natsu loves Lucy and proves it like any guy would- by being awkward and obnoxious and loud
Gruvia (Gray x Juvia)- because, let's face it, ice and water go together (which is also an argument for Lyvia, now I think about it); also, Juvia's fantasies keep Gray half-naked, and all Gray's fangirls choose this pairing for exactly that reason. Also, I love Juvia and want her to be happy.
Fraxas (Fried x Laxus)- I'm not usually one for yaoi p
The woman I've been caring for the last eighteen months dies yesterday. It wasn't a shock- she started declining sharply last week- and in a way, it's almost a blessing. She doesn't have to struggle anymore.
But she was pretty much my whole world. I spent more time with her than I did at my own apartment- and I don't have a boyfriend or a pet to fill the void. It also means (horrible as it sounds to be worrying about something like this) a severe dip in my income.
I miss her smile. Whenever I came in for my shift (I worked 96 straight hours with her), her whole face would just light up with this big smile. Before her decline, she woul
Okay, so I was seriously fangirling over TMNT on Tuesday. Which I'm sure my brother found both amusing and irritating, since he was the one who had to sit next to me through the movie and deal with all my gasps and laughs and squees. And yes, I totally :squee:
A lot.
This is not a review. I don't post reviews until at least a week after the movie's (or, in the case of new ElfQuest, book) release, and I post them to my personal blog, not my dA journal. Though, if anyone's really interested, I can start posting the link to that on my journal whenever I review a new movie. My brother and I see an average of 1-2 per month (sometimes 3 in s
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