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PascaldeJong's avatar

Fire Fly



Original size : around 8000X4500 px

all painted in photoshop cs2

for full detail please download

Hi all,

Several months ago I was contact for a Job to make a painting. The painting was going to be put on the spinnaker of a sail boat. The job was specified as follows. They wanted a half naked woman with wings, floating hair and fire. In it self not a very original concept but there was good reason for it. Who am I to say no to such a request. So I made some sketches and started painting. Little did I know that the sail boat was a brand new 'ocean race sail boat' and that the spinnaker was 46 Meters High:eyepopping:, at the widest point 26 Meters:eyepopping: and that is was going to be hand painted:eyepopping: in Spain. So they needed one that would be a little bit more simple. I also made that one and shall post it when I have the photo's of the boat.

here are the photo's
115' Race classic Firefly by PascaldeJong
Hope you like it:D

Hatchlings by PascaldeJongYun Revised by PascaldeJongHands up! by PascaldeJong
Image size
2500x1548px 2.61 MB
© 2011 - 2024 PascaldeJong
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