Parugin's avatar


Behold! Befuddlement!
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Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1)
My Bio

I mainly just browse and admire others' work on DA, but I may toss up a crude drawing, manipulated image or hastily-snapped photograph from time to time to make myself feel more important.

Who knows; maybe I'll manage to elicit a grin or two?

Favourite genre of music: varied rock subgenres; symphonies
Operating System: Puppy Linux (Slacko 531)
Shell of choice: CLI: Bash; GUI: lightweight combos
Favourite cartoon character: Squidward Quincy Tentacles

Favourite Visual Artist
Roger Dean
Favourite Movies
The Great Dictator
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Yes; Geoff Downes
Favourite Games
Halo series (plot-based geek)
Tools of the Trade
Cheap Cameras, Terrible Puns and the GIMP
I've noticed many of the artists on here add watermarks to their photographs and other works- presumably to either mark their work as their own, to prevent plagiarism and the like, or maybe to compel the folks browsing to purchase prints and such.This annoys me tremendously, and I won't do it.I'm very much of the mind that easily sharing those images I'm particularly fond or proud of (perhaps too proud, in some cases) is more valuable than any credit or potential revenue. Granted, I'd still hate for any of my stuff to be plagiarized, but I'm also a fan of the Creative Commons licenses and the notion of free culture in general (in no small ...
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