French Revolution GraphicParty9999999 on DeviantArt

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French Revolution Graphic



Graphic about the French Revolution
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1974x2556px 159.45 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Party9999999
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6The6Overlord6's avatar
I think they kind of dropped the ball on what the Revolution was originally intended for. I mean they turned from a Monarchy to a Dictatorship even though they were fighting for Liberty. All because a bunch of power hungry mad men started controlling it and chopping heads off when they didn't need to. Even Children who had nothing to do with The Revolution were killed which was honestly far worse than what King Louis did. And King Louis wasn't even that bad of a king. He was just completely Ignorant and unprepared to rule France. That and his wife just kept spending the money on her crazy expensive hairstyles and exotic items. I can only imagine the looks on The Newly Formed United States Government's Faces when they heard their ideology was used for such unnecessary and criminal bloodshed before it was corrupted into a Dictatorship.