Sailor Blood MoonParamourPhoenix on DeviantArt

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Sailor Blood Moon



My Sailor Moon OC.

Her name is Akane (meaning Deep Red in Japanese).

She is one of the most power scouts in the universe, but she's considered a legend because she wakes up 2 months before the Blood Moon comes, and falls back into a deep slumber deep inside the earth 1 week after the Blood Moon passes.

Her Civilian form is her everyday wear, and she never gets too hot or too cold.

Her Sailor Scout form is her 1st power up stage. She uses a Scepter to channel her attacks and she has a few healing powers at her disposal.

Her Princess/Queen form is her 2nd power up stage. in this form she uses her Pure Crystal Blood Rose to unleash attacks against her enemy that destroy them, while healing anyone that's "pure" in the vicinity.

Her Celestial Goddess form is her 3rd and most powerful form. Her scepter turns into a beautiful staff with her Rose Crystal encased in a clear glass sphere, that has a crown and ribbons flowing from it. While in this form for only a short amount of time, she has incredible healing, supportive and destructive powers at her disposal to use as she see's fit. She has helped out Sailor Moon and the Scouts a few times without them knowing, sending just a tiny bit of healing energy into them to keep them fighting.

Once the week after the Blood Moon has passed, she falls into a deep slumber, and the earth draws her body back into the ground from whence she came, waiting until the Blood Moon comes and she is needed again.

Akane was born a normal little girl in the human world, but had powers she couldn't control and that no one could understand, and so she was tested on by scientists who didn't care about her well being. Once she hit the age of 18 however, she stopped aging and was able to control her powers. She destroyed the Lab, but didn't kill anyone in it, making sure that they had all gotten out of harms way.

Once she was out of there, she met many people and fell in love. She got married, and had 3 children, 2 girls and a boy. But as her husband and kids aged, she stayed the same. She lived to see her family grow up, have family's of their own then grow old and die, until the year the Blood Moon cast it's shadow upon her. Bathed in its light she was transformed into her Celestial Goddess form for 1 week, and then she was forced into a deep slumber, never to wake until the Blood Moon comes again.

All credits go to-

The original ssmu base-:iconssmu::iconsharmclucas:

parts of the staff and the front view base- :iconblackdragonredroses:

the bangs and the bun-:iconblknblupanther:

the Crystal Rose-:iconsilverpearlprincess:

Everything else- Belongs to me :iconvampireriho:

Nothing on this picture is for use! If I see something on here used without my permission there will be issues! You have been warned!
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1650x1084px 177.24 KB
© 2012 - 2025 ParamourPhoenix
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FarrenGrimwarden's avatar
I kinda wish i could use her staff for a personal project of mine