You may call me Papermonkey.
email: varjotanssija (at)
Happy birthday! :D
Happy Birthday!
I remembered you today and how much I liked to see your art. Wondering if I missed a post, I visited your profile and saw that it's your birthday! ^^
I hope you are doing well and can celebrate happily!
Appreciating your avatar!😎
Happy birthday, Paper!
Hi, shall we exchange addresses to send ACEOs?
I absolutely love your Wurr comic, it's captivating and all the characters are so lovable. while reading again from years later as an adult instead of a ... teenager.. and looking back I've relised so much as I've grown as an artist. like for one I relise your comics are shaded, and mainly done with pencil. which isn't easy, you make it so fluent and natural. while reading I was thinking of my favorite character, an I realised that I don't really have one. ever character in this comic is well fleshed out, amazing individual personalities. that are exstreamly well balanced and captivating, I love your work and can't wait for more.