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Wolvie vs Hulk savage battle



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that's gonna be a LSCC 2014 exclusive print I'm going to have available at my booth.
Don't miss the chance to came at the London Super Comicon in march, pure awesomeness will hit the fans in the european metro City.

I have had open my pre-show commission list for this con.

here's some info about pre-show commission for LSCC 2014 

A commission with a single character full figure will cost £200.

A commission with a single character and a simple background elements will cost £215.

A commission with single character and FULL background will cost £250.

(all the price list is in GBP sterlin)

it will be made on 11x17" pro comic board from Blueline art and will come with signature and plastic case.


check it out other cover and commission works I did recenlty, and don't forget to add me in your watchlist for future works
Wolvie by pant Fathom by pantRei Ayanami angel of the death by pantFathom: Black Friday Virgin cover by pantSupergirl got colors by pant
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742x1128px 924.25 KB
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Drackonos's avatar
:star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

I am probably not the best person for a crit for you as you are much better than I am but here goes. The piece looks great. I love the colors you picked for it. I love the feral render for both characters who are quite feral in their normal attitudes. Honestly the only negative I can come up with is maybe have some more visible damage on Wolvie as I am pretty sure The Hulk could get a hand or 2 on him. They would be a nice match-up in my opinion. You're an awesome artist, keep it going! <img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt=":D" data-embed-type="emoticon" data-embed-id="366" title=":D (Big Grin)"/>