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ES: Lo habia hecho en el dia de san valentin pero quise subirlo ahorita por aqui xd
No tengo nada que darte pero lo unico que puedo darte es mi corazon para ti
EN: I had done it on Valentine's Day but I wanted to upload it right now here xd
I have nothing to give you but the only thing I can give you is my heart for you
No tengo nada que darte pero lo unico que puedo darte es mi corazon para ti
EN: I had done it on Valentine's Day but I wanted to upload it right now here xd
I have nothing to give you but the only thing I can give you is my heart for you
Image size
1280x1280px 432.03 KB
© 2023 - 2024 Panejito
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aww this so cute for you Panejito I love you too