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Origami Brocade Tutorial



Well this has been on the backburner for a while, but I managed to churn the whole thing out last night! Thanks to :icongluhenhs: and :iconrandomhanziness: for suggesting :)

This is a tutorial on how to fold a Japanese Brocade. It is a six unit origami cube with "frills" as *LoDuris likes to call it :) You'll need six sheets of paper and a little more patience than my previous origami tutorial here: [link] .

A note on assembly. The units are trapezoids with the little triangles at the very end of the arms. These little triangles help the brocade stay together by folding around the corner of the next unit. If you have stiff paper, you shouldn't need any glue - it should hold up on its own.

Watch your creases, line up your edges, and fold confidently!! Precision makes origami work!

Post up what you make when you're done and let me know! Papercrafts unite!

YOU MUST CREDIT this tutorial when you post your deviation. It helps others learn as well as links credit back to the orignal deviation.

With affection,

Etsy: [link]
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