Pidge Gunderson Voltron Legendary Defender CosplayPANattheDisco on DeviantArt

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PANattheDisco's avatar

Pidge Gunderson Voltron Legendary Defender Cosplay



I worked really, really hard on my Pidge cosplay. I made everything: her hoodie, her shorts, her boots. This costume was a labor of love, but I absolutely love how it came out!! 💖 You can find more info on it and photos of it, including progress photos of how I made it, on my cosplay site. 📷 by the incredible Kris Byers Photography! 💖

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1315x1974px 465.45 KB
© 2018 - 2025 PANattheDisco
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Snowstorm1776's avatar
This looks so good! You look like you popped right out of the show!47 38 39