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His appearance has been updated - I wasn't too fond of his old design, but you can see his old design/application here
➤Name: Nova (no-vah)
➤meaning: a star that dramatically increases in brightness
➤nickname(s): "wobbly kitten" "my star child" "star child"
➤Age: 7 moons
➤Sex: Male
➤Gender: male
r e g i o n i n f o r m a t i o n
➤Region: East
➤Rank: Rookie
➤Former Rank(s): kit
➤Guide: Shyvanna
➤Former Guide(s): none
➤Rookie: too young
➤Former Rookie(s): none
➤Rank: Rookie
➤Former Rank(s): kit
➤Guide: Shyvanna
➤Former Guide(s): none
➤Rookie: too young
➤Former Rookie(s): none
➤Element: Mist
➤Weaknesses: Hot, Windless Days
➤Strengths: Wind, Rain
➤Type: Secondary
➤Bloodline: Cheerl (mother) light // Rhiast (father) mist (water + air)
➤Stamina: 2/10
➤Energy Points: 8
➤Ability Stones: spell descriptions taken from The-Brightest-Shadow - listed in order obtrained
(main) Cloak || Steam & Mist || 0/5 || Description - Purely defensive, this move does absolutely no damage to the opponent, but does help hide the user.
Sleep || Steam and Mist || 1/5 || Description - The user creates a hot, warm gas that can cause surrounding cats to become drowsy, lethargic, and even induce sleep for short periods.
➤Weaknesses: Hot, Windless Days
➤Strengths: Wind, Rain
➤Type: Secondary
➤Bloodline: Cheerl (mother) light // Rhiast (father) mist (water + air)
➤Stamina: 2/10
➤Energy Points: 8
➤Ability Stones: spell descriptions taken from The-Brightest-Shadow - listed in order obtrained
(main) Cloak || Steam & Mist || 0/5 || Description - Purely defensive, this move does absolutely no damage to the opponent, but does help hide the user.
Sleep || Steam and Mist || 1/5 || Description - The user creates a hot, warm gas that can cause surrounding cats to become drowsy, lethargic, and even induce sleep for short periods.
p h y s i c a l i n f o r m a t i o n
click here for an image of him without accessories
click here for an image of him without accessories
➤Fur: Nova's pelt is a dark blue-gray, its color a resemblance to the night sky. There is a dark stripe running down his back with few tabby stripes stripes branching off of it. There are more srtipes on his tail, which are black as night and travel up its length, slowly blending into the rest of the fur more and more as the entire tail's coloration becomes black. The little tuft of fur on his head is the same color as these stripes, though his ears are slightly lighter. There is a stripe on each cheek, above his lighter muzzle coloration (this light color continuing down along his chest and stomach). His legs, though dark, end with light gray toes. The lightest part of the tom's body are the white spots that appear on his cheeks and on his back - they look like the stars for which he was named!
➤Eyes: Nova's eyes are an intriguing pumpkin orange color, his irises surrounded by a lighter yellow. His gaze is always intense and light shimmers on the surface of his eyes constantly. As a young cat his pupils are always fairly wide, giving him the look of being curious and alert.
➤Build: This tom is fairly short, something he interited from his mother's side of the family, although he is not done growing! Due to his cerebellar hypoplasia (see more information below) he always is standing with his legs rather far apart for balance, which makes him seem shorter than he actually is! Because he can't walk very far without falling down Nova is not the most active cat so he lacks the muscle mass of other toms and is fairly lean. He is blessed to have a fairly long tail that can aid him in walking when he can't balance.
➤Scar: Nova has one small scar on his lip which was obtained when he first met his companion, Stupa; he frightened her and she lashed out at him and gave him a scar!
➤Bandana: Around his neck Nova has an orange strip of cloth tied as a bandana. It was dyed that color and then the ends were dyed red, so the area where the knot is behind his neck is a more red color than the cloth in the front. On the front of the bandana there is a small bloodstand which was obrained when Nova recieved his scar and his lip bled onto his accessory
➤Necklace: Nova wears a star-shaped necklace that holds his main ability stone, Cloak. It is made of a golden stone carved into the shape of a star and lined with silver medal that was mented by a lava elemental. There are two blue ribbons that dangle from the necklace as well, which his mother designed to look like arrows to represent the fact that Andromeda is always guiding him.
➤Star Bracelent: Much like his necklace, the bracelet that Nova wears on his right paw is made from a star-shaped rock and it holds his Sleep ability stone. The star is attached to a strip of the same cloth used to make his bandana and is tied around his paw.
➤Other Braclets: On his other leg this tom has a bracelet with orange beads that were faintly painted yellow, so they all hold a pretty mixture of the two colors. He also has a strip of the same twine used on his necklace and tail wrap tied to this paw simply because there was an extra scrap when his mother was crafting for him and he just decided he would wear it.
➤Tail Wrap: On his tail Nova has a little carved star that is attacked to twine that is wrapped around his tail. This little star swings around behind him wherever he goes.
➤Disability: Nova has cerebellar hypoplasia, meaning he is what is called a "wobbily kitten" or a "wobbily cat"; as a kit he contracted a bacterial infrection (likely due to the fact that the East and West Region had live in close proximity, allowing bacteria to spread easily). As a result he has very bad balance and walks like this
➤Eyes: Nova's eyes are an intriguing pumpkin orange color, his irises surrounded by a lighter yellow. His gaze is always intense and light shimmers on the surface of his eyes constantly. As a young cat his pupils are always fairly wide, giving him the look of being curious and alert.
➤Build: This tom is fairly short, something he interited from his mother's side of the family, although he is not done growing! Due to his cerebellar hypoplasia (see more information below) he always is standing with his legs rather far apart for balance, which makes him seem shorter than he actually is! Because he can't walk very far without falling down Nova is not the most active cat so he lacks the muscle mass of other toms and is fairly lean. He is blessed to have a fairly long tail that can aid him in walking when he can't balance.
➤Scar: Nova has one small scar on his lip which was obtained when he first met his companion, Stupa; he frightened her and she lashed out at him and gave him a scar!
➤Bandana: Around his neck Nova has an orange strip of cloth tied as a bandana. It was dyed that color and then the ends were dyed red, so the area where the knot is behind his neck is a more red color than the cloth in the front. On the front of the bandana there is a small bloodstand which was obrained when Nova recieved his scar and his lip bled onto his accessory
➤Necklace: Nova wears a star-shaped necklace that holds his main ability stone, Cloak. It is made of a golden stone carved into the shape of a star and lined with silver medal that was mented by a lava elemental. There are two blue ribbons that dangle from the necklace as well, which his mother designed to look like arrows to represent the fact that Andromeda is always guiding him.
➤Star Bracelent: Much like his necklace, the bracelet that Nova wears on his right paw is made from a star-shaped rock and it holds his Sleep ability stone. The star is attached to a strip of the same cloth used to make his bandana and is tied around his paw.
➤Other Braclets: On his other leg this tom has a bracelet with orange beads that were faintly painted yellow, so they all hold a pretty mixture of the two colors. He also has a strip of the same twine used on his necklace and tail wrap tied to this paw simply because there was an extra scrap when his mother was crafting for him and he just decided he would wear it.
➤Tail Wrap: On his tail Nova has a little carved star that is attacked to twine that is wrapped around his tail. This little star swings around behind him wherever he goes.
➤Disability: Nova has cerebellar hypoplasia, meaning he is what is called a "wobbily kitten" or a "wobbily cat"; as a kit he contracted a bacterial infrection (likely due to the fact that the East and West Region had live in close proximity, allowing bacteria to spread easily). As a result he has very bad balance and walks like this
c o m p a n i o n
➤Name: Stupa (stu-pah)
➤Nicknames: "Stupid"
➤Gender: Female
➤Species: Rock Mouse (Pika)
➤Apperance Stupa is a small Pike with a very round body and orange-brown fur. Her fur is darker on her back and she has a few little stripes near her shoulders as well as a few lighter patches at random spots on her fluffy body. She also sometimes wears a little collar that is identical to Nova's beaded bracelet
➤Personality: Stupa's mood changes all the time, in one moment she wants to cuddle next to Nova and simply enjoy his warmth, but in the next it's all about playing and running around and chattering and even ecting aggressivly! She does not seem to have many fears, as she used to the presence of cats, and so she can get a little cocky at times and even wanders off when Nova isn't looking. She's quite a hassel!
➤Nicknames: "Stupid"
➤Gender: Female
➤Species: Rock Mouse (Pika)
➤Apperance Stupa is a small Pike with a very round body and orange-brown fur. Her fur is darker on her back and she has a few little stripes near her shoulders as well as a few lighter patches at random spots on her fluffy body. She also sometimes wears a little collar that is identical to Nova's beaded bracelet
➤Personality: Stupa's mood changes all the time, in one moment she wants to cuddle next to Nova and simply enjoy his warmth, but in the next it's all about playing and running around and chattering and even ecting aggressivly! She does not seem to have many fears, as she used to the presence of cats, and so she can get a little cocky at times and even wanders off when Nova isn't looking. She's quite a hassel!
p e r s o n a l i t y i n f o r m a t i o n
+ positive
- negative
o neutral
Hot-Headed // Profain // Insecure // Unmotivated // Intelligent // Timid // Submissive // Affectionate // Lovable // Lawful
+ positive
- negative
o neutral
Hot-Headed // Profain // Insecure // Unmotivated // Intelligent // Timid // Submissive // Affectionate // Lovable // Lawful
➤ - // Hot-Headed // "Shut the hell up! I don't care what you have to say!"
When Nova gets upset he isn't afraid to express it with his words, he'll snap at other cats quite easily, especially if they make fun of him in any way, and he'll also raise his voice even when the situation might not call for it. He'll hold onto arguments and refuse to back down, always needing to get the last word, stuck on winning even if it's futile or he grows to agree with the other cat's opinion. He doesn't lash out phsycially though, although it is common to see him with his claws unsheathed when he is aggitated.
➤ - // Profain // "You're a fucking asshole."
He might be young, but Nova has already picked up some... tasteful... language from overhearing other cats use bad words. When he is angry he can speak in a very profain way, throwing swear words around as though they mean nothing, and sometimes he even will let them slip nto normal conversation when he's not upset at all. However, the most common time to hear a naughty word leave this tom's mouth is when he stumbles and falls (which happens fairly often).
➤ - // Insecure // "...No, I'm not good enough."
Because he has trouble walking like a normal cat it's been engraved in Nova's mind that he simply is not up to the standards of others; he can't do what others do so easily physically and he looks like a clown walking around with his legs spread far apart for balance. He knows that other cats must find it amusing when he falls over and so he is very insecure about being in public places around a lot of cats; even just being in the East Region camp puts him on edge...
➤ - // Unmotivated // "I don't feel like playing with you today, Stupa."
Nova was not really sure what profession he wanted to pursue when he reached rookiehood, but tamer seemed like the most logical choice because his clumbsiness would not get in the way too much if he was just working with critters... even though it seems like the right fit for him he's not overly passionate about animals and therefore does not put in as much effort as other cats might. He often times also lives with the mentality of "why try when you know you're going to fail?" and so he rarely tries new things unless he is pushed to do so.
➤ + // Intelligent // "Hmm... Yeah I guess if I used my spell that way I could maybe make animals more comfortable with me..."
Even if his lack of kind words makes him seem to lack the same intellect as other cats, Nova is a rather smart rookie; when he does have to put his mindd to something he does it well and he works out a way that he can do things as easily as possible. He trained himself to look at problems with teh goal of getting through them wasting as little time as possible, and embaressing himself as litle as possible, so he thinks things through beforehand which often leads to unique and creative solutions.
➤ o // Timid // ".... I-.. ahh...oh no..."
When faced with physical danger Nova is not the type to fight back. Even though he can be hot-headed in arguments he knows that he lacks the physical skills to defend himself in combat and so he does not even try and instead will run and hide before anyone has a change to hurt him. He gets scared easily and can also be a little bit jumpy at times, but his timid nature also helps to keep him from winding up in situations where he could get hurt.
➤ o // Submissive // "... Fine. I'll do it..."
Nova might argue and put up a fuss, but if a cat who is a highter rank than him, or more experienced with him tells him to do something, usually he'll do it, unless it's really something that will make him embaressed, in which case he'll fight back a little more. But he is terrified of getting into trouble and so he usually does what he's told... He also acts submissivly when he's around a tom that he is attracted to, prefering to be be protected by another cat than be the one doing the protecting. This may seem to counter his hot-headed trait, but in truth his arguing skills are something that he taught himself to cope with cats pestering him, and deep down inside he would rather have another cat do the arguing for him.
➤ + // Affectionate // "Can we cuddle a little?"
Nova loves physical affection, it's teh perfect way to show another cat who you feel about them, and so he can often be seen cuddling with his mother, father, or siblings. He always stuck close to his mother's side as a kit, so his cuddliness may have been born of habit, but now it is a very important part of his life and he always looks forward to leaning into another cat's soft fur when he needs a little comforting!
➤ + // Lovable // "My family is the most important thing to me... got it, stupid?"
Even when he's angry it's clear that this little tom has kindness in his heart, and it makes him lovable! The way that he stumbles around gives him a kit-like apperance, and his constant cuddling with his family also shows how much of a little sweetheart he is, and so when cats are paying attention and seeing past his pouty faces and swear words he can be quite lovable!
➤ + // Lawful // "...No... We can't go into the South Region's territory, I don't want to get into trouble!"
Nova hates being scolded, and so he's scared of breaking rules, even the littlest of them! He won't tresspass on other territories unless he is given permission by someone older than him, and he will also refuse to do anything that someone asks of him that he thinks is immoral (unless they threaten him phsycially, in which case he can't fight back and will listen). Often enough his most angry arguments come from talking to cats about not breaking the rules!
When Nova gets upset he isn't afraid to express it with his words, he'll snap at other cats quite easily, especially if they make fun of him in any way, and he'll also raise his voice even when the situation might not call for it. He'll hold onto arguments and refuse to back down, always needing to get the last word, stuck on winning even if it's futile or he grows to agree with the other cat's opinion. He doesn't lash out phsycially though, although it is common to see him with his claws unsheathed when he is aggitated.
➤ - // Profain // "You're a fucking asshole."
He might be young, but Nova has already picked up some... tasteful... language from overhearing other cats use bad words. When he is angry he can speak in a very profain way, throwing swear words around as though they mean nothing, and sometimes he even will let them slip nto normal conversation when he's not upset at all. However, the most common time to hear a naughty word leave this tom's mouth is when he stumbles and falls (which happens fairly often).
➤ - // Insecure // "...No, I'm not good enough."
Because he has trouble walking like a normal cat it's been engraved in Nova's mind that he simply is not up to the standards of others; he can't do what others do so easily physically and he looks like a clown walking around with his legs spread far apart for balance. He knows that other cats must find it amusing when he falls over and so he is very insecure about being in public places around a lot of cats; even just being in the East Region camp puts him on edge...
➤ - // Unmotivated // "I don't feel like playing with you today, Stupa."
Nova was not really sure what profession he wanted to pursue when he reached rookiehood, but tamer seemed like the most logical choice because his clumbsiness would not get in the way too much if he was just working with critters... even though it seems like the right fit for him he's not overly passionate about animals and therefore does not put in as much effort as other cats might. He often times also lives with the mentality of "why try when you know you're going to fail?" and so he rarely tries new things unless he is pushed to do so.
➤ + // Intelligent // "Hmm... Yeah I guess if I used my spell that way I could maybe make animals more comfortable with me..."
Even if his lack of kind words makes him seem to lack the same intellect as other cats, Nova is a rather smart rookie; when he does have to put his mindd to something he does it well and he works out a way that he can do things as easily as possible. He trained himself to look at problems with teh goal of getting through them wasting as little time as possible, and embaressing himself as litle as possible, so he thinks things through beforehand which often leads to unique and creative solutions.
➤ o // Timid // ".... I-.. ahh...oh no..."
When faced with physical danger Nova is not the type to fight back. Even though he can be hot-headed in arguments he knows that he lacks the physical skills to defend himself in combat and so he does not even try and instead will run and hide before anyone has a change to hurt him. He gets scared easily and can also be a little bit jumpy at times, but his timid nature also helps to keep him from winding up in situations where he could get hurt.
➤ o // Submissive // "... Fine. I'll do it..."
Nova might argue and put up a fuss, but if a cat who is a highter rank than him, or more experienced with him tells him to do something, usually he'll do it, unless it's really something that will make him embaressed, in which case he'll fight back a little more. But he is terrified of getting into trouble and so he usually does what he's told... He also acts submissivly when he's around a tom that he is attracted to, prefering to be be protected by another cat than be the one doing the protecting. This may seem to counter his hot-headed trait, but in truth his arguing skills are something that he taught himself to cope with cats pestering him, and deep down inside he would rather have another cat do the arguing for him.
➤ + // Affectionate // "Can we cuddle a little?"
Nova loves physical affection, it's teh perfect way to show another cat who you feel about them, and so he can often be seen cuddling with his mother, father, or siblings. He always stuck close to his mother's side as a kit, so his cuddliness may have been born of habit, but now it is a very important part of his life and he always looks forward to leaning into another cat's soft fur when he needs a little comforting!
➤ + // Lovable // "My family is the most important thing to me... got it, stupid?"
Even when he's angry it's clear that this little tom has kindness in his heart, and it makes him lovable! The way that he stumbles around gives him a kit-like apperance, and his constant cuddling with his family also shows how much of a little sweetheart he is, and so when cats are paying attention and seeing past his pouty faces and swear words he can be quite lovable!
➤ + // Lawful // "...No... We can't go into the South Region's territory, I don't want to get into trouble!"
Nova hates being scolded, and so he's scared of breaking rules, even the littlest of them! He won't tresspass on other territories unless he is given permission by someone older than him, and he will also refuse to do anything that someone asks of him that he thinks is immoral (unless they threaten him phsycially, in which case he can't fight back and will listen). Often enough his most angry arguments come from talking to cats about not breaking the rules!
h i s t o r y
Click here for Nova's History
s o c i a l i n f o r m a t i o n
Click here for Nova's History
s o c i a l i n f o r m a t i o n
➤ Family:
➤Mother: Cheerl (NPC)
➤Maternal Aunt: ➤Isis (NPC)
➤Cousins: Mien, Thistle, Sairen
➤Father: Rhiast (NPC)
➤Sisters: Mei (Deceased), _______, _______
➤Brothers: Jharain, _______
➤Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic
➤Sexual Orientation: TBD
➤Description: Nova is too young to experience sexual attraction quite yet, but he knows that he is attracted to cats who can protect him and stand up for him, and those cats have a tendancy to be toms so he finds that he thinks that toms are more attractive than she-cats and really only develops crushes on them.
➤Status: single
➤Crush(s): n/a
➤Former Crush(s): n/a
➤Mate: n/a
➤Former Mate(s): n/a
➤Kits: n/a
➤Mother: Cheerl (NPC)
➤Maternal Aunt: ➤Isis (NPC)
➤Cousins: Mien, Thistle, Sairen
➤Father: Rhiast (NPC)
➤Sisters: Mei (Deceased), _______, _______
➤Brothers: Jharain, _______
➤Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic
➤Sexual Orientation: TBD
➤Description: Nova is too young to experience sexual attraction quite yet, but he knows that he is attracted to cats who can protect him and stand up for him, and those cats have a tendancy to be toms so he finds that he thinks that toms are more attractive than she-cats and really only develops crushes on them.
➤Status: single
➤Crush(s): n/a
➤Former Crush(s): n/a
➤Mate: n/a
➤Former Mate(s): n/a
➤Kits: n/a
Click here for Nova's Relationships
r o l e p l a y i n f o r m a t i o n
r o l e p l a y i n f o r m a t i o n
G - yes
PG - yes
PG-13 - yes
M - when he's older
script - never
short paragraph - yes
long paragraph - yes
notes - yes (preferred)
skype - depends (ask me!)
google docs - maybe (very slow with this though)
chatroom - rarely
comments - depends (usually only for group roleplays)
➤Roleplay Sample: (from a roleplay with Fortunata)
G - yes
PG - yes
PG-13 - yes
M - when he's older
script - never
short paragraph - yes
long paragraph - yes
notes - yes (preferred)
skype - depends (ask me!)
google docs - maybe (very slow with this though)
chatroom - rarely
comments - depends (usually only for group roleplays)
➤Roleplay Sample: (from a roleplay with Fortunata)
Warmth engulfed the neutral territory, golden rays of sunlight sliding through the gaps in the leaves above the West Region's makeshift camp. The light illuminated the pelt of a cream-and-brown warrior as she slipped out of her den, stretching on the sandy ground, her tail lashing behind her. While the warm weather would have felt nice to most cats, the ice elemental found that, after fire had consumed her region, she was looking forward to feeling the chill of the autumn and winter season on her fur once again. 'But I guess I'll just have to wait for that...' She thought, letting out a sigh as she recalled the assignment that she had been given for the afternoon; to accompany a hunter on their search for prey. It hadn't been uncommon, given the appearance of the followers and the threat that they posed, and Fortunata was always glad to have the opprotunity to protect the cats of her region; it was always a chance to prove herself!
The warrior allowed a smile to engulf her face as she trod towards a somewhat familiar cat, a she-hunter named Quilla who had never been very talkative with anyone except for her father, who had died in the flames of the West Region moons ago. Fortunata had never taken much note of Quilla, but if she could show her warrior skills to another cat and help clear her name of what everyone had thought of her after her outbursts at one of the recent gatherings it would bring her one step closer to being known as the "Great Fortunata" by one and all!
"Hello, hunter." She meowed, standing tall and holding her head high, her teal eyes flashing with excitement. She was not interested in companionship or making friends, but she was ready to wow this hunter if they were attacked.
The warrior allowed a smile to engulf her face as she trod towards a somewhat familiar cat, a she-hunter named Quilla who had never been very talkative with anyone except for her father, who had died in the flames of the West Region moons ago. Fortunata had never taken much note of Quilla, but if she could show her warrior skills to another cat and help clear her name of what everyone had thought of her after her outbursts at one of the recent gatherings it would bring her one step closer to being known as the "Great Fortunata" by one and all!
"Hello, hunter." She meowed, standing tall and holding her head high, her teal eyes flashing with excitement. She was not interested in companionship or making friends, but she was ready to wow this hunter if they were attacked.
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