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TBS :: Jharain



Leaf (right) :iconthe-brightest-shadow:Leaf (left)

8/1/16 - Update: I didn't like his old application artwork, so I drew a way better one that shows his lankiness and slenderness off much more than the previous one. He still has a little beard under his chin! His history, relationships, and other things have been updated -- plus the man is now a FATHER! One of his lifelong dreams is complete. (So proud of you Jharbab!)
4/30/16 - Update: Woo! Huge Update! ...Well, maybe not "woo", it's been hard for this little leader now that he's lost his mate, but he's still here, handsome as ever (and with a little beard!)
8/19/15 - MAJOR update: Jharain's rank has been changed, his accessories have changed, his physical description has been altered to be more accurate, his personality has developed (he no longer flirts with everyone!), his history has been edited so that it is up to date, his relationships have been updated, and the roeplay sample has been changed.... basically everything is brand new but it's still the same handsome Jharain <33

[ Tamer Application]
(shows physical appearance before he was made adviser)
[Adviser Application]
(shows physical appearance before Fae disappeared briefly) 

Leaf (right) [[BASIC INFORMATION]] Leaf (left)

[Name] Jharain (Jah-ha-rain)
[Age] 2 cycles, 7 moons
Jhar - by Clarias
[Gender] Male
[Region] South
[Rank] Adviser
[Rookie] Loki
[Former Rookie(s)] Denver

Strength -  Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White 
Speed -      Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White 
Attack -     Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White 
Tactics -     Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White 
Stamina -  Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White 
Defense -   Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White 

Leadership Skills -  Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; White  {has improved over time}
Public Speaking -    Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White  {improving - though he rambles a lot}
Herbal Knowledge - Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; Green Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White Bullet; White  {needs work}

Leaf (right) [[COMPANION]] Leaf (left)

[Current Companion] None

[Former Companion]
    [Name] Aliath (Al-i-ay-tha)
    [Animal] Slider (Garter Snake)
    [Gender] she-snake
    [Personality] Aliath was a timid creature, she was easily scared of larger animals, unfamiliar cats, and loud sounds, and so she stuck close to Jharain most of the time. She liked to stay coiled around his neck where it's nice and warm. Now Jharain keeps her with him always because her shed skin is part of his ancklet accessories.
    [Death] Dried up Dreams
Leaf (right) [[PHYSICAL APPERANCE]] Leaf (left)


    [length] Jharain's fur is not too long and not too short; it holds a medium length throughout his entire pelt.
    [thickness] In the fall and in the winte Jharain's fur grows very thick, because he is so slender he needs the warmth of thick fur. His fur is never extermely thin; in the summer season and in late spring when the weather is warm it is still sometimes too thick for the tom's comfort, which is why Jharain loves being in the shade.
    [color & pattern] Jharain's fur is gray in coloration, the majority of his pelt posessing a medium-gray color, although there are both places where it is lighter and places where it is darker. His face, chest, and underbelly, as well as all four of his pwas has a lighter color. His legs up to the mid-joints are slightly lighter than the main color, and darker than the light gray of his paws and underbelly. The lightest areas of his fur are on his white eyebrows, a splotch above his nose, and a "V" shaped marking on his chest. Jharain's darkest fur shows in his tabby stripes which are prevalent below his eyes and down his back. There are also a few thick stripes on his tail.


Jharain's eyes are bright emerald green, the lower part of his iris containing some yellow-green as well.
    [pupils] Jharain is still a young adult, and while his skinny form may not completly reflect that there is youthfulness in his pupils that always hold a round shape, growing larger in dark places.
    [reflectivity] Jharain's eyes are fairly reflective of light, though with the heat of the South Region they tend to be more dry and therefore do not appear as glossy.
    [eyesight] The South Region Adviser has very good eyesight and when he tries he can be fairly good at picking out little details in things (he trained alongside his sister while she was still alive, and although he chose the path of a tamer he ofen helped her on her searcher tasks and learned a lot about what it takes to find useful items)


As a very peaceful cat Jharain would not really have benifited from having long claws, and therefore he is perfectly content with the fact that his are small to medium in their size.
    [sharpness] His claws are fairly sharp, although they are far from pristine because he simply does not use them enough to tend to them the way that a warrior might.
    [color] His claws are on off-white, yellow-ish color


Jharain is about the height of the average tom cat, if not slightly taller. He looks expecially tall when he holds his long tail in the air.
    [shoulders] Unlike many other toms, Jharain is not privy to having broad, muscular shoulders. His shoulders are more dainty and don't seem to hold much weight.
    [stomach] This silver tabby's gut is smaller than what is typically seen in a tom cat, not just because the South Region has been suffering with the heat of the drought that has ravaged the lands, but also because he is a vegetarian and therefore does not eat prey (except for fish - he loves fish!)
    [legs] Jharain's legs are fairly long and slender, although they do have more muscle than the rest of his body due to all of the walking that he does - and he is a fairly good runner. Their length allows him to take long strides when he runs from place to place.
    [tail] If it weren't for Jharain's thick fur his tail would be very thin, but his fur hides that about it and also halps to annuncuiate its length. It is a longer tail than most cats have and it helps him with his balance when he is running. He also has a tendancy to curl it around his paws when he is content or when he his uncomfortable because it is comforting to him.


On his right ear Jharain has two earrings - one of them is a psychic ability stone containing the spell "Telepathy" and the other is simply a small rock positioned directly below it. His left ear also has two earrings, although they are both simply small stones and they are connected to each other with a little vine that has a small leaf still attached to it.
    [feather necklace] on a small thread are three greed beads and a feather, similar to the necklace that Fae wore prior to her death. It has a bird's feather on it in honor of Fae's deceased comapnion, June.
    [vine necklace] Jharain's necklace is one of his newer accessories made for him by his mother as a gift when she discovered that he was the adviser of the South Region, it is made of a vine (much like the one on his earring) that simply ties to one of his ability stones, "Heightened Senses". the yellow beads that are on the vine are meant to represent the Light Element, the element that his sister, Mei, had. Since Mei died Jharain's mother insists that she is still watching him and that her blessed element will guide him in his future.
    [bracelet] Around his left forepaw is a bracelet made of vine with the same yellow beads strung onto it.
    [ankle wraps] Jharain's ankles are wrapped with a cloth-like material crafted from dried grass, and on the center of each of the anklee wraps is an ability stone. His left ankle holds the spell "Teleportation" and his right holds "Telekinesis". The ability stones also hold a length of shed snake skin in place that Jharain kept from his deceased comapnion Aliath. He used to keep her fangs on an anklet as well but he decided when he became adviser that it was time for him to learn to protect himself and do he buried them in the spot where she was buried. He also keeps his other ability stones inside of these wraps.
    [tail accessory] At the base of Jharain's tail are two large ferns that are affixed to an ability stone, one which holds the spell "Projection" Right above this ability stone is a white flower that was given to him by a certain she-cat... He had kept it in the tamers' den for quite some time, but he decided once Fae confessed his love to him that he would wear it around as a sign of his dedication to her. There is also a vine connected to this accessory that drapes over his tail. It is adorned with the same yellow beads that appear on his necklace and on his bracelet.

Leaf (right) [[ELEMENT]] Leaf (left)

[Element] Psychic
[Type] Secondary

[Stamina] 8/10
[Energy Points] 22

[Spells] (Spell descriptions from The-Brightest-Shadow)
Heightened Senses || Psychic || 0/5 || Description - It allows the user to temporarily have stronger senses with either hearing or smelling farther than the average cat. The cat cannot heighten both at the same time though.
Teleportation || Psychic || 1/5 || Description - Allows the user to disappear from one place and reappear in another. When first starting off, most cats can only reappear in places they can see, but more experienced cats can teleport to places they have been before (if they can clearly remember what it looked like, and how to get there if they were to walk).
Projection || Psychic || 1/5 || Description - When in use, this allows the user to stay in one place with their body, but can travel the world with their mind. Most cats can not see the projection unless the user is experienced and wants other cats to see their projection.
Domesticate* || Psychic || 1/5 || Description - What almost all tamers have if they don't have a knack for taming animals, the user is given the ability to influence a companion's actions more easily than a normal cat by using soul wavelengths that can control how the companion interprets things.
Telekinesis || Psychic || 3/5 || Description - Allows the user to move or bend things without touching them. Rookies within the regions are not allowed to use this when doing tasks.
Telepathy || Psychic || 1/5 || Description - Allows the user to transfer thoughts, emotions, or memories to another cat, or receive them from a cat. Only the most trusted cats in the regions are allowed to have an ability stone with this spell.
Bite || Any || 2/5 || Description - The user's teeth is coated in whatever element they posses and can be used to bite an opponent with them.
Shards || Any || 4/5 || Description - The user creates shards of it's element by powerfully compacting the element into crystal-like shards to be used to pierce an enemy.
Soul Perception || Psychic || 0/5 || Description - When in use, the user can read another cat's personality and mood by seeing the cat's soul's wavelengths. Most commonly used by psychics, but can be used by dark elementals.
*Jharain avoids using the spell "domesticate" because of his belief that everyone should find their soulmate on their own, and (usually) if an animal is meant to be a cat's companion there should be spark between them.

Leaf (right) [[PERSONALITY]] Leaf (left)

Hopeless Romantic // Overprotective // Sensitive // Caring // Good Listener // Optimistic // Vegetarian // Worrisome // Respectful of Authority // Fatherly  // Cautious

+ positve // = neutral // - negative

[ = // Hopeless Romantic] As a former tamer Jharain believes that every cat in the regions has a soulmate - be it an animal comrade like the snake that he once had, or another cat that can complete them. His mother taught him and his sister from very early on in his life that there was someone in the world that would bring them more joy than anyone else, and that there was someone in the world of the regions that they would be able to trust with everything. She said that there is a goodness in every single cat and all you have to do is search for it, and so Jharain spends time searching indeed for the good traits that other cats have. He believed that he obtained his goal of finding a romantic soulmate in a she-cat of the South named Fae... sadly, she passed away... but he is also a tom who believes that a cat can have more than one soulmate 

[ - // Overprotective ] When Jharain gets close to a cat or an animal he becomes very overprotective of them... if he thinks that a friend of his is in danger he will literally jump in and drag them to a safe place by their scruff despite their complaining; he thinks that, if they truely are a close friend, or a soulmate, that they will understand and forgive him for interfering. Normally Jharain isn't very brave, but if a cat that is close to him was hurt of bullied by another cat he will confront the perpetrator and attempt to rectify the situation if he feels that he needs to.

[ - // Sensitive ] When a relationship; be it a romantic or just a friendly one, falls apart Jharain finds himself very upset! It breaks his heart to watch as two cats drift apart, especially when he is one of the two... But even witnessing a separation of family or friends makes him pity those cats. He believes that most cats are innately good (although with the appearance of the followers he is beginning to question that belief) As a former tamer, and a cat that has dealt with the loss of a companion, he is also is very saddened when a cat's companion dies or abandons them... to sum it up; any form of separation greatly upsets him.

[ + // Caring ] When Jharain gets close to a cat he is willing to become very invested and involved in any problem that they need help with, and completely willing to listen to any problem that they have. He hopes that he is good at providing comfort for his friends, and if he has had a relatable experience in his past he will share it with them so that they won't feel like they're alone. He is working especially hard on upholding this trait now that he has been made adviser; it is his goal to be approachable to all of the cats of his region so that if they feel they are in danger they will have someone that they can talk to about it.

[ + // Good Listener ] Jharain is fine with listening to his friend's problems, and he understands what types of things aren't helpful to a cat who is in emotional distress. For example, he always avoids saying "Well at least.." or "on the bright side.." because he knows that looking at those ideas won't solve the problem.... Many cats used those same words when he was suffering with the grief of his sister dying while the two of them were searching for the spirit stone together, and hearing cats say "Well at least she died doing what she loved!" and "On the bright side, she died for a good cause" made him realise when a silent listener can be the best thing for a cat in grief.

[ + // Optimistic ]  Despite not telling cats to look on the bright side when they are in distress, Jharain is almost always trying to see the bright side of life. He used to freely shout to the world about how happy the sunshine made him, and how much joy he felt watching flowers bloom in spring, although with all of the events going on in the regions with the devastating strange weather patterns and and rise of the followers he mostly uses this trait inside of his own mind, comforting himself and pushing himself to keep going forward even when things look bleak. On a good day when the followers do not seem to be a problem cats can still see the "overly optimistic" part of him rise up when he simply sits and hums to himself or drones on and on about soulmates and cool breezes.

[ = // Vegetarian ] As a former tamer Jharain believes that every animal has the potential to be a great friend and he dislikes the idea of killing them... although he understands that it would be impossible to feed an entire region of cats on berries and plants and so he tried not to be biased against hunters, but he can't help but flinch when he sees a cat deliver a killing blow to a little rodent, bird, or snake. The only animal that he will eat is fish... there are so many of them and because they are trapped in the water all the time there really isn't a way for them to be useful to cats for anything but food, plus he finds them delectable.

[ - // Worrisome ] When Jharain always seemed to be overly optimistic there was really nothing for the tom cat to worry about, but as his optimism dwindled slightly and new stresses began to take over his life, such as the stress of seeing his region go through so much from kicking the West Region out to witnessing the rise of the followers, along with his new role as adviser there is just a lot for the tom to worry about, and sometimes he will get lost in worrisome thoughts. Luckily he can usually pull himself from endless worries with his tenancy to think optimistically, but there are times when his fears get the better of him.

[ = / Respectful of Authority ] Even though he was only just made adviser, with his new role Jharain has been privy to the stresses that cats in positions of authority have, and has started to see just how much work his cousin, Sairen, has to do as the South Region's leader. He is very polite and respectful when talking to Sairen, as well the healers of the South Region and the Leaders, Advisers, and Healers of other regions. This is why he did not protest to Sairen's idea of kicking cats out of the South Region... Jharain feels as though a leader's choice is the right choice because they have been trained to make such decisions, and he only hopes that he will be able to be a good leader if and when his time comes.

[ + / Fatherly ] This trait ties in with Jharain's "overprotective" and "good listener" traits - he is quite the fatherly tom and he tries his best to be there for any cat who needs him, espeically younger cats. Since he did have a rookie of his own, Denver, he has learned a bit about dealing with younger cats and he is very excited to (hopefully) apply that knowledge to kits of his own someday.

[ = / Cautious ] Jharain is a careful tom cat, especially now that he has sworn to protect Fae with his life. His goal is to keep everyone safe and therefore he takes things slowly and thinks his decisions through beforehand. This is a useful trait when he has time to decide on a big decision, but when he needs to act quickly his cautiousness can get in the way and cause him to spend too much time thinking things through when, really, he should have just gone with his gut feeling about something.

Leaf (right) [[SOCIAL INFORMATION]] Leaf (left)

[Romantic Orientation] biromantic
[Sexual Orientation] heterosexual
[Preferneces] All Jharain wants in a mate is a cat that can understand him, a cat that can relate to him, a cat that he can talk to and a cat that feels comfortable talking to him. He does his best to overlook a cat's beauty when deciding if he is attracted to them or not, although he is sometimes swayed by the physical apperance of a cat. He would never admit this but, physically, he loves sleek fur and bright eyes, although what really matters to him is personality.

[Click Here for his Hot List]

Mother - Cheerl
Father - Rhiast
Sisters - Mei (deceased), Ruto
Brother - Nova

Maternal Aunt - Lilona
Cousins - Sairen (missing), Thistle (???), Mien

Mate - Fae
Kits - Sevren, Kaiser, Jhun, Mei II, Reilah

[Click Here for his Relationships]

Leaf (right) [[HISTORY]] Leaf (left)

[Click Here for his History]

Leaf (right) [[ROLEPLAY INFORMATION]] Leaf (left)

G - yes
PG - yes
PG-13 - yes
M - depends 

script - never
short paragaph - yes
long paragraph - yes

notes - yes (preferred)
skype - depends (ask me!)
google docs - maybe (responses may be later than normal)
chatroom - rarely
comments - depends (usually for group roleplays)

[roleplay sample] (This is typically as long as I will type a post - usually I am a bit shorter than this and I can be as short as 1-2 paragraphs)

It had been a busy day for Jharain that had started out with training his rookie, Denver, in the correct way to tame animals, insisting that she not practice with her “domesticate” spell due to the fact that it made taming such a simple task and prevented one  from bonding closely with the animals that they were trying to connect to… the little gray rookie was certainly beginning to learn though, and at the end of the day that was all that mattered… or… almost all that mattered…

The tamer had been perched on a rock near the middle of camp, enjoying the chill in the air as the sun that had been pouring seemingly boundless heat on his region for the past few days was beginning to sink behind the clouds. The taste of the berries that he had partaken in lingered in his mouth, his tongue savoring what was left as he licked his lips continually. The scents of the cats around him mingled in the air, and when a patrol of warriors returned stinking of sweat he was surprised to see a white-furred crafter of his region approach them and inquire upon the whereabouts of a specific ginger-and-white she-cat: Fae. The silver tom’s ears perked at mention of her name, and he found his paws carrying him from his perch when he heard one of the warriors say that they hadn’t caught sight of her…

“Excuse me…” Jharain said, clearing his throat, “But what is all of this about Fae being missing? You sent her to look for a flower and she hasn’t come back yet…” Jharain listened intently as Attra explained to him that he had sent the she-cat off earlier in the day and that she had not returned yet. ‘That’s unlike her… when Fae and I went exploring in the North Region together she seemed to know her way around, so why would she get lost in our own region? …Maybe she is just out stargazing…’ the word “stargazing” made Jharain’s face flush as he recalled two fairly recent events in his mind, the first being when he encountered a pretty West Region Searcher, Gwen, in the field of Gold, and the two fell asleep together after having talked and stared up at the stars… and shared a kiss… And then there was the day that he and Fae had first really gotten to know eachother. Sure, they may have been tamers together for most of their lives, but as rookies the two of them had not known much about one another, likely because Jharain had ben somewhat antisocial due to the pangs of sadness that had washed over his body due to the death of his sister and his mother leaving the South Region to live with his father in the East. The night that he and Fae had explored the North Region together had not been one filled with sadness though, it had been a happy moment when every step seemed to be like stargazing because the fireflies that swam through the air around them danced as though they themselves were stars… He and Fae had shared a kiss that night too.

“I’ll go look for her.” Jharain said with resolve in his voice, straightening his shoulders and putting a stern and determined expression on his face, as though posing like one of the warriors before him would give him the strength to wander out into the night and search for the she-cat. Once he was told the general area in which the orange flower that Fae was looking for could be found he set off, his paws carrying him out of the South Region camp, leaving the tamer alone under the light of the setting sun with only his thoughts to accompany him, for his companion, Aliath, had been on edge all day due to the increasing heat and she had wanted to stay curled in the shade of the tamers’ den. ‘Aliath, if only you were here right now, I could use your company, even if being out here in the dark would have frightened you.’ He thought of his snake with a chuckle, rolling his eyes as he drew in a deep breath, taking in the scents of the world around him.

The evening shed a beautiful light upon the world that stood before the silver tabby’s paws, although the plants around him seemed as though they were slowly beginning to shrivel and die – though it had only been a few days of the immense heat and hopefully rain would bless the South Region soon.  ‘It would be a sin if Andromeda’s world lost all of its beauty, oh blessed Andromeda cast onto us the blessing of the water element which you brought to light in our veins.’ He prayed silently, pleased with his poeticism before the thought of beauty brought his mind back to the image of Fae.

They had grown closer since their last meeting, and it seemed to Jharain that the kiss they had shared was not playing a large role in their relationship with one another. Already he felt like she was a cat he could trust, like a kithood friend, or a sister, but the memory of their lips touching lingered continually in his mind. He felt guilty about the instance though. His mother had always encouraged him to explore possibilities and try to get close to multiple she-cats before settling down with one, but if the she-cat of his dreams, his soulmate, was Gwen or Fae, than the fact that he had already kissed both of them could cause issues to arise. His occasional desire to kiss Fae again made him feel sinful, but right now what he was doing, looking for her, was not out of lust or out of some other dark intent, he was worried for her sake, and for Attra’s as well!

The tall grass of the South Region licked at the silver tabby’s legs as the sun neared the completion of its descent, and as he headed in the direction that Attra had pointed out to him he found that there was still no disernable sign of the she-cat, and so Jharain’s eyes grew enveloped in a pink hue, the ability stones that he wore as earrings and around his tail lighting up with the same glow as his spell “Heightened Senses” took hold of him, allowing him to pick up fading scents from all around him. With all of the plants that quivered in the wind the scents and sounds were at first overwhelming, but after a few moments of concentration Fae’s sweet smell found its way to him, causing Jharain to spin to his right and begin to follow in pursuit of her trail… Her long trail. Judging by how far away he could draw in her scent it seemed that Fae had traveled quite far in her search for the flower, and it could take quite a while to locate her, but Jharain was not a tom that would give up, and he especially would not give up on a she-cat!  He continued following her scent, his pawsteps growing heavier… and heavier… and heavier with every step that he took, and eventually he had to deactivate his spell, the exhaustion of keeping his psychic abilities in tune for so long beginning to take its toll on him. Luckily for Jharain Fae’s smell was more clear now that he had made his way down her trail for some time. He knew that he would find her. Eventually.

Leaf (right) [[CREDITS]] Leaf (left)

Jharain & Art (c) Me
TBS & Application (c) Admins

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Catcolour's avatar
So... up for a roleplay with Jharain's new rookie?