Current Residence: PARIS France Favourite genre of music: Music Favourite photographer: yo Favourite style of art: musique MP3 player of choice: iPot Shell of choice: what is a shell?
The seventeen first people to comment this journal will get three of their deviations featured here, and will have to feature three of mine in their journal. They will also be asked to feature three deviations of the seventeen first people who will comment their journal entry. Have fun !Les dix-sept premiers qui commenteront ce journal verront trois de leurs créations exposées ici, et devront sélectionner à leur tour trois des miennes pour les exposer dans leur journal. Il leur est également demandé de faire la même chose pour les dix-sept premiers qui commenteront leur journal. Bon amusement !I've been tagged by:
A few minutes ago I saw a picture on Natgeo at Instagram by a photographer with the similar name and surname to yours. Came by just to say hello, I hope you're fine.