Proceratosaurus bradleyi: Basal TyrannosauroidPaleonerd01 on DeviantArt

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Proceratosaurus bradleyi: Basal Tyrannosauroid



Proceratosaurus bradleyi was a small species of Proceratosaurid Tyrannosauroid from the Bathonian stage of the Middle Jurassic period. The holotype skull (NHM R 4860) was discovered in the Great Oolite Group, an outcrop near the town of Minchinhampton, England by F. L. Bradley and described in 1910 by A. S. Woodward. Initially Woodward assigned the skull to Buckland’s Megalosaurus on account of the four premaxillary teeth, erecting the name Megalosaurus  bradleyi. In 1926, F. R. Huene erected the genus Proceratosaurus, suggesting P. bradleyi as the possible ancestor of Marsh’s Ceratosaurus.

In 2010, Rauhut et al. published a redescription of the type specimen and concluded that Proceratosaurus was a primitive Tyrannosauroid based on the following characteristics: premaxilla dorsoventrally taller than it is rostro-caudally long, reduced premaxillary teeth with serrations and a ‘D’ shaped cross section, pneumatization of the jugal.

Proceratosaurus is united with other basal Tyrannosauroids like Guanlong in the family Proceratosauridae based on the following characteristics; strongly enlarged external nares, slight offset of maxillary ascending ramus from the anterior margin of the maxillary body, and a midline cranial crest formed by the nasals.


Huene, F. R. (1926a). “On several known and unknown reptiles of the order Saurischia from England and France.” Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 9), 17: 473-489.

Rauhut, O. W. M., Milner, A. C., Moore-Fay, S. (2010). “Cranial osteology and phylogenetic position of the theropod dinosaur Proceratosaurus bradleyi (Woodward, 1910) from the Middle Jurassic of England.” Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 158: 155-195.

Woodward, A. S. (1910). “On a Skull of Megalosaurus from the Great Oolite of Minchinhampton (Gloucestershire).” Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, 66 (1-4): 111-115.

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unlyricaldan's avatar

yk im surprised i havent seen any paleoart depicting proceratosaurus alongside megalosaurus. not to mention theyre from the same time and place