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Queen Ligera



Queen Ligera was Princess Amore's sister who married King Raymond before giving birth to Princess Cadence. Queen Ligera and King Raymond lived happily at a different region far away from the Crystal Empire called the Praiziburg Kingdom until they heard about King Sombra and what he had done to Princess Amore and the Crystal Empire and its people. Queen Ligera mourned the "death" of her sister and Princess Celestia promised her that one day the Crystal Empire will return and Princess Cadence will take her aunt's place as the new ruler. The royal couple took good care of their baby daughter until their kingdom was attacked by Dismay the Mistress of Fear and her Taraxippus army. King Raymond told Queen Ligera to take Princess Cadence and flee while he and the royal soldiers fight the enemy. King Raymond was wounded in battle before he died trying to stop Dismay and her army from taking over the Praiziburg Kingdom. Queen Ligera ran as far away as she could with her baby until she performed a spell that she hoped would save her and her baby. That spell crystallized Queen Ligera and Princess Cadence for a thousand years until they were no longer frozen. Queen Ligera died of exhaustion before she turned into stardust while her baby Princess Cadence lived and she cried until she was found by a couple who never had any children. Princess Cadence's foster parents took care of her until she grew up and she learned to spread her love throughout Canterlot before she would eventually meet Princess Celestia and become an Alicorn. Princess Celestia would then adopt Queen Ligera's daughter as her niece before telling her about her destiny: to become the rightful ruler of the Crystal Empire.

NAME: Queen Ligera (meaning "light" in Spanish)

GENDER: Female

SPECIES: Unicorn

FAMILY: King Raymond (husband), Queen Cadence (daughter), Princess Amore (sister), Flurry Heart (granddaughter), Princess Skyla (granddaughter), Valiant Knight (grandson), Shining Armor (son-in-law)

STATUS: Deceased

HOME: The Crystal Empire / 
The Praiziburg Kingdom / The Celestial Kingdom

OC (c) MelSpyRose 
Image size
900x930px 334.36 KB
© 2020 - 2024 PaintStroke203
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Waddellj's avatar

Hi i have a question does Queen Ligera have a middle name and also i really like your art designs :D