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FREE Mockingjay Pumpkin Pattern



PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU PLAN TO USE/ TAKE A PIC IF YOU CAN!! :lol: it would make me so happy!

EDIT: My pumpkin was a hit!…  Got lots of fellow hunger games lovers giving nice compliments. I'll upload a pic of it later if its not totally smooshy by then

Hello all! This year I wanted to make my own pumpkin pattern, so here's the result, and homage to The Hunger Games. Its not perfect, its hand drawn so won't be "trace perfect" of the pin. Hope you all like it though.

I realize most people have probably already carved their pumpkins, but perhaps you, like me, wait till Halloween day to carve yours :) I carved mine this morning as a prototype and it all worked out. I didn't do the flames time


:bulletred:hit "download" This will give you the PSD file where you can choose to hide the flame layer if you don't want it
:bulletgreen:the black area is to be cut all the way through
:bulletgreen:the grey area is to be "scraped"… don't cut all the way, but go pretty deep or light won't shine through at all. See without flames version below if you don't feel comfortable with using the technique

If you don't have a program that can download .psd, here a link to the .png version

With flame:
Without flame:

You are free to post this offsite whereever you like but PLEASE link back to this deviation/ my account.

Pumpkin image in upper right corner
Mockingjay (c) Suzanne Collins

PS: if you use it please let me see a pic of your pumpkin :D or at least let me know if you plan to use it!
Image size
2160x2005px 2.37 MB
© 2012 - 2024 painted-flamingo
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