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EDIT  - All done, next thing to do is her plot chart and after that I'll be moving on precious lonely Hades for a redo for him~<33

General Information

Name: Jennifer
Nicknames: Jenny, Jen -used by family-
Past Names: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 19 moons
Orientation: Straight
Companion: N/A

Region Information

Region: North
Rank: Searcher Rookie
Guide(s): K'zaka
Rookie(s): N/A

Element Information

Element: Dark
Amount of Ability Stones: 2/8
Which Spells: 

Soul Perception || Dark || 0/5 || Description - When in use, the user can read another cat's personality and mood by seeing the cat's soul's wavelengths. Most commonly used by psychics, but can be used by dark elementals.

Teleportation || Dark || 1/5 || Description - Allows the user to disappear from one place and reappear in another. When first starting off, most cats can only reappear in places they can see, but more experienced cats can teleport to places they have been before (if they can clearly remember what it looked like, and how to get there if they were to walk).

Physical Appearance

Only she and her twin, Jack, are a mix of both of their parents. Though their eye color comes from Kaa, the Captain of the Followers. Yet with time, her hair has grown to the point where it's simply to long. Only good it does for her is covering up the useless eye. Unlike any of her siblings, she was the first one to get a scar. The wound from which she earned such a reminder made her blind in her left eye -as if her hair doesn't help make it any more difficult to see-. With time her fur has grown out, which is a pain to straighten or try cleaning.. Ignoring the she-cat's appearance, her physical traits are lacking. It wouldn't take to much to hold her down. Unlike her, Jack had the potential to be a Warrior. 

She only has two accessories. One being a quartz necklace which was requested due to her love of quartz. And that her mother also had a quartz necklace as well.. On the necklace are the two ability stones that she currently has in her possession. The second accessory on her is a simple vine which holds her bun together and from coming apart.


Strength: 2/10
Speed: 4.5/10
Attack: 2/10
Tactics: 3.5/10
Stamina: 5.5/10
Defense: 2.5/10


+ Loving | Observant | Optimistic | Adventurous 
= Neutral | Cautious | Clueless
-  Envious | Grumpy | Insecure | Lonely

+Loving - |feeling or showing love or great care|
"Don't worry, I'll always be here for my family-!"

When it comes to her family, Jennifer is very loving. For they have been there for her for most of her life. Though most of this trait has become more focused on her siblings and younger adopted siblings. Of course this doesn't mean she doesn't love her parents...even when one of them is a Follower. Even towards her adopted father. With time, this trait will most likely grow with time to where others will be suffocated with hugs...and love...

+Observant - |quick to notice things|
"Don't think with this hair that I don't see anything."

The main thing that is needed to be a Searcher is one must be observant of their surroundings. not a Searcher and still a Rookie. And with how life is at the moment for her, this trait is lagging a bit behind. Not only is she blind in the left eye, but it's getting difficult to move with her long hair. Unlike her, the siblings of the litter who have long hair...are coping better then her. All of this aside, Jennifer is trying her best to become more attune with this trait once more. Keeping a closer eye on her surroundings, her siblings to cough, and those around her. If she ever wants to get anywhere in life, she has to watch out for it.

+Optimistic - |hopeful and confident about the future|

Ever since Jennifer concluded that she'd probably never see again in her left eye....she has grown determined. Determined meaning that she work around her disability. While she adjusting, her siblings are all reaching their rank. This only helps fuel this trait, making the she-cat wish more so to join her siblings. At times this trait might go a bit overboard...and put her into situations that are unnecessary. But with time, it may help her walk a path to a bright future.

+Adventurous - |willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences|
"I swear....the chance of me getting stung by bees...are unlikely..." "YOUR HESITATING-"

Since kithood, she has been going overboard. For when she was still a kit, she and Jack were the first ones out of the nursery. They were the first of the litter to experience camp life. Along with causing trouble and mischief. Now as a Searcher Rookie...has many more advantages. With the fact that one can explore to their hearts content. Not helping with one of the spells the she-cat has. Which is teleporting. Just rarely does she get into trouble with this trait....maybe more then needed... It is unlikely this part will ever calm down, and just continue growing.'s held back a bit due to her still being a Rookie and all..

=Neutral - |not helping or supporting either side in a conflict, disagreement, etc.; impartial|
"It's what you believe in, who am I to judged?"

This trait came more to light with a conversation with her Guide. With the conversation topic of religion. Jennifer doesn't really mind if a cat believes something differently from what she believes in. Everyone has their rights to do whatever they wish. She refuses to be someone to try forcing what the Regions believe in on someone who doesn't wish to think the same. Though this trait isn't very strong and will most likely go away one day. Until's making it's little stand.

=Cautious - |(of a person) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers|
"Did you hear that-?!"

Ever since she was attacked and scarred by a Follower...she's been more on edged. The one thing that pushes this trait aside is adventure. There are times when she looses focus, and start panicking. If she doesn't focus...there might danger right ahead of her and she doesn't see it. On rare occasions does this part come up. Where she becomes jumpy at the slightest of noise. At camp, Jennifer feels safe. No danger there unless an attack. But outside and in the territory of the North...anything could happen. Jennifer had experience of that first-hand on a patrol. With time, she might learn to calm down and be more careful. Until then, this trait will continue to pester and grow.

=Clueless - |having no knowledge, understanding, or ability|
"Olive...why are you looking at me like that... Do you know something I don't-!?"

Many things escape this cat's thoughts. One being feelings. Even her own. When it comes to figuring certain things...Jennifer is not the brightest in the shed. More so that she is in a dark shed when thinking to hard. This is why she sometimes relies on her siblings for help.'s not like she would like to admit she needs help. And at time, Jennifer will out-right refuse any help. Going about trying to solve something on her own until she snaps. Though the biggest thing she is clueless about is her own hurt, as mentioned with her feelings. Since she is more focused on training to be a she needs feelings..haha..

-Envious - |feeling or showing envy|
"It's not fair....why should they be happy when I'm not?"

Why this trait blossomed into her life is from her element. How it's not really nice. The dark is feared while the light is welcomed. Jennifer and Olive are two out of three cats in the North with the dark element. Even though Jennifer has come to terms with her element..there are times when she envies others. At times, she even envies her twins. Jack and the rest of the brothers all have the light. There are times, when she dreams of another life. One where her element wasn't dark, but something else. But that is just a hopeless dream. With time, this trait will most likely fade away.

-Grumpy - |bad-tempered and sulky|
"I may be a Rookie, but I can handle myself-!"

Most of this comes from the fact that Jennifer's Guide doesn't believe that she handle things. Not to ignore the fact she's just one big Rookie who has yet to reach her full rank. Just speaking about her age and rank will set her off. She's not afraid to use her claws. Additionally, during times when she may get sick will set Jennifer off in a bad mood. Being stuck inside, not allowed to search... That'd certainly put someone in a bad mood. With this trait, she tends to grumble at times...and refuses to repeat what is said.

-Insecure - |(of a person) not confident or assured; uncertain and anxious|
"Stop...don't touch me..."

With the small incident leading to Jennifer's scarring...has left it's mark. In a way, even though it's a bother, Jennifer is thankful for long hair. It helps cover the ugly scars that were left by the Follower that attacked her. Since the attack, she's a become a bit jumpy. Most of it from physical contact. The only exception being her family, everyone's going to take time. Jennifer on the other hand doesn't really like her appearance. Not quite confident in her looks..more so with her face. Sure her hair makes it difficult to see...but at least it's comforting to cover the scars. It won't be any time soon when she'll move the brown strands out of her vision.

-Lonely - |sad because one has no friends or company|
" that's not what I meant...don't leave me-"

There are times when Jennifer feels alone. Sure she has her family, and her twin, to be there for her.. But that's not enough sometimes.. Sometimes, when this trait begins to show, Jennifer will grow silent. Her thinking isn't so clear around this time. And she will go out of her way to find some solitude to try picking some pieces back up. During this time, Jennifer will prefer silence as company then others. Not wanting the help or comfort of others, only the cold of the North to welcome her. Periods of loneliness come and go as quick as they come. Hopefully this will change with time.

Brief History

In the beginning, there were three cats. A dark tabby tom..who'd become the future leader of the North. A black and white tom -with gray upon his body- who had surely been presumed dead one day. And last a beautiful ginger warrior who would care for her own family one day. Of course these three did not know of each other, not a single thought of the other's existence! Though it wasn't long during kithood did the two toms become friends. It wasn't long during Rookie years did the third cat come into the picture of the two's friendship. Though a new feeling began to bloom, a feeling of love for another. Time passed and the three became warriors. Though the black and white tom, Kaa was soon brought into the reality of the Followers. His friends unknown to where he was or what he would surely become involved in. Later on, Clementine and Kaa eventually became mates, yet during that time did the tom become a bit unlike himself. It became more worse when Iorek was given a Rookie named Tracy -this was before he confessed his feelings-. As time passed, Tracy soon turned up with her neck sliced open. Blood pulsing out of the wound.

Yet the next time Kaa would leave the camp...his friend would surely follow. It wasn't long before Iorek discovered what Kaa had been doing...meeting with his old Guide, Kayden. After this meeting between the two did the dark tabby confronted the Warrior. Additionally, a confession was the next thing to slip out from the other. It soon came to an end once Iorek's jaw held onto Kaa's neck. After the death of his friend, the Warrior ran off, making an exile for himself. Though he could not stray forever from the North Region, and eventually confronted the Region he had exiled himself from. Confessions were told to his ex-leader. Surprisingly, he was welcomed back into the Region after his confession. During this time, it wasn't long to learn that Kaa's mate had been carrying Kaa's kits...and now they were brought into a world with no father. This was when an offer was given to the ginger Queen..who accepted the position Iorek was now willing to take that Kaa should have had.


Squeaks could be heard from within the nursery. Two kits tumbled past the entrance in a flurry of tangled limbs. "No fair Jack-! I was out first-" She glared at her twin who retorted. "No I was Jenny, fair and square-!" With that said, Jennifer let out a tiny battle cry and tackled her twin. A head poked out from the nursery. "You two stop fighting or you will both spend the rest of the day inside." Their mother, Clementine spoke in a stern manner. Letting out a huff, the two kits scrambled off to explore. There were adventures ahead of them left in the dark for them to discover! The North camp was enormous. Huge to their little forms. Not only that, but the cats that were out and about were giants... But, there was one cat that they knew well out of the rest. Iorek. The Leader of the North and their father. "We shouldn't bother him..." Jack spoke while they stared at the tom. 

Instead they went about messing with older cats. Tripping them by running under their paws and even pestering the Rookies. All in a good days work of play. When returning to the nursery, the two decided to tell the rest of litter of their adventure. Jack and Jennifer taking turns and even finishing each other sentences as they spoke. Kynzi -their father's look-a-like- and Pan -who look like their mother- were the only two of the litter that was still in the nursery. Poor Olive was sickly and had to stay in the Healer's den..though Jennifer still popped in from time to time to check on her. Otherwise the contact was rare. On the other hand, Jack made sure to spend time with the rest of their siblings. Making sure that they were alright and doing well. 

"Do you have idea what you want to do Jenny?" It was just another day of messing around, Jennifer had watched her brother messing with other cats. "Well...I kind of want to become a Searcher." A huff was sounded beside her. "Hey-!" "I don't have anything against what you wish to chose sister, I know I want to follow after Mother and Father was a warrior before becoming the leader." Silence fell over the two kits. "No." Jack turned to face his sister. "What did you say?" Jennifer looked at him with a broken expression. "I said no. I won't be separated from my twin." Just a rank apart? What was so bad about it? "I'll still be ther-" "No you won't, it just wouldn't be the same-" An argument began between the two. In the end, Jennifer was victorious as Jack gave in and told her he would follow after her. "Twins forever..." Jennifer whispered as they went to sleep in the nursery.

Time passed. The five were getting closer to the age of a Rookie. Kynzi was the first to discover the little surprise on his paw pad. Clementine was not surprised. Saying it was 'her' element that inherited. Jennifer glared down at her own paw at the dark purple dot that graced it. "Mommy...why is mine purple?" The older she-cat leaned to look at her daughter's paw. The grin that had been on her face was washed away.

She told Jennifer it was her grandfather's element from her father's side. But...that didn't make sense.. Jack came to sit next to her, a dot had also showed up. Light like their mother. Before long they would begin training. Surely the element she had wasn't so bad?

Rookie -

Once the five siblings reached the age to become Rookies. Each of them settling on their own path. Olive went down the road of a Healer. Seeing how most of her kithood was in the Healer's den.. Kynzi decided to follow their mother and train to be a Warrior. Pan went with being a Tamer. Meanwhile with the twins, they both dove straight for the Searchers. Though during the ceremony, the calico she-cat noticed her twin's drooping head. How broken she felt in that single moment. Jack noticed his sister's expression, pieces were flying. After the ceremony, he reassured her that he doesn't regret it. "After all...twins stick together don't they?" The grin on his face finally managed to get a cheery smile on her face. From there, they went with their Guides.

Jack had an actual Searcher for a Guide...while..Jennifer did not. From what their father said, this was a temporary Guide. Was she not good enough? Sure the amount of Searchers' weren't big... But still. For a moment, Jennifer thought it was because of her element. Pawing at the object, she frowned. Before long, training began. Going out was the most exciting thing. It was like she had become a kit again. Going out for the first time, and seeing the world. But camp wasn't amazing once one got used to it.. During some of their training sessions, Jack was involved. Jennifer refused to do some of the things said until her twin was included. Who won in those little fits and arguments was clear whenever the other twin's half showed up. From there, training was normal. Learning the basics to sent on little searches for things and even ability stones.

Things became interesting when all of the children were herded together by their mother. Everyone was gathered. Even Iorek....and his own mate, Glendower. "Do you think we're getting another ability stone Jack?" Looking over at his twin, who was bouncing in place with excitement. " forget who father is Jenny...haha." Even so, that was their theory for the meeting. But then things went downhill as the Leader placed a story before them. Only it wasn't a was a secret he had been keeping from them since birth. He wasn't their father. "Wait...what do you mean.....?" Jennifer stared in utter shock at the tabby she knew as her father. No words were spoken as Jack drew his twin close to him. Letting the Rookie bury her face in his fur. Body trembling and heavy as the sobs came out. Choking on them as she cried. The others weren't taking it so well either. 

After awhile, all five left the three older cats to try picking up the pieces. For Jennifer...she didn't need anyone. Only Jack for now. He would help pick everything up...fix things... For if her twin were gone...she'd surely be a hollow shell. Right when she was about to fall into slumber, a voice whispered softly. "It's alright Jenny...I'm here.." Her dreams were empty. 

Time went by when Iorek went on organizing patrols. Jennifer and Jack were sadly separated. Though what was worst was the patrol. Just simple hunting and searching. Searching was what she was being trained to do. So this would help the Rookie gain some experience. How wrong she was. The she-cat had gone ahead...only to be attacked before she could blink. Pinned by a Follower who spoke in a tone that would scar her. Quite literally. "Such a pretty face you got there...shame if something were to happen." Jennifer was more focused on getting free before something cold dug into her face. The Follower, having coating his claws in ice, was dragging them along her face. Letting them dig deep in as they dragged. How long had it been as she tried to keep from screaming? Pain throbbed from her face and throughout her. It was becoming agonizing. Before long, everything seemed to snap. Eye widening as she let out wails and screeched. "GET OFF GET OFF GETOFFGETOFFGETOFFGE-!!!" With each thrash, it was simply pointless. A grown Follower vs a Rookie. A Rookie who wasn't taught any fighting or defense. As the claws continued their path, Jennifer quieted so she was simply sobbing. Crying for her father who was nowhere near. Crying for him to come save her. Crying for the pain to end. For someone to save her from this misery. 

A little eternity passed when her temporary Guide interfered. There was no point in staying. "See ya later sweetcheeks~!" And with that, the Follower was gone. The patrol was done, couldn't continue on. So, he simply dragged the shattered Rookie back to camp. A bloody trail of blood, mixed with tears, stained the snow behind them. Getting back to camp, and being treated with her injuries...things did not look good. She was scarred and would have scars. An additional plus was extra training and held back. Jennifer would watch as her siblings become their full ranks while she stayed back. Looking up at Olive, she smiled. "Just gonna train harder." For moments before, Jennifier concluded that she would probably never see again with her left eye. But she had to accept that for a fact. During this time, she met her soon-to-be Guide....K'zaka. But it wasn't long before she fell into slumber with Olive beside her.

Surprisingly, she was still fast asleep even when her family showed up. What woke her was Jack's shouting. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT. YOU SHOULD HAVE SENT A WARRIOR AND MAYBE JENNY WOULDN'T BE IN THIS STATE-" Who he was shouting out took a little bit of thinking. It dawned upon her when her good eye landed on the tom. Iorek. "Because of you, she will fall behind. Because of you, she will be more broken then when you told the truth. Everything, and I mean everything is your fault. Don't think I will forgive you." The eldest spoke in such a serious manner as he stormed from the Healer's den. After that, things became....awkward.

More so when it was announced that the mountain cat, K'zaka, to be her brand new Guide. K'zaka, when he came to the North, was now among the Searchers. Jennifer was happy with having a Searcher as a Guide at last. Though at the age she was at...she was not. What could she do? She was blinded in one eye...and would have to cope and learn with it. So more training was in her future. With horrible confused feelings her siblings would later tease her relentlessly about. 


Bullet; White Stranger
Bullet; WhiteBullet; White Acquaintance 
Bullet; Purple Uneasy
Bullet; PurpleBullet; Purple Unknown
Bullet; PurpleBullet; PurpleBullet; Purple Confused
Bullet; Yellow Respects
Bullet; YellowBullet; Yellow Wishes to Impress
Bullet; YellowBullet; YellowBullet; Yellow Role-Model
Bullet; Green Friend 
Bullet; GreenBullet; Green To Be Respected Friend
Bullet; GreenBullet; GreenBullet; Green Know For While
Bullet; Blue Close Friend
Bullet; BlueBullet; Blue Best Friend
Bullet; BlueBullet; BlueBullet; Blue Trustworthy Friend 
Bullet; BlueBullet; BlueBullet; BlueBullet; Blue The Greatest Friend to Have
Bullet; Pink Uncertain Feelings
Bullet; PinkBullet; Pink Minor Crush
Bullet; PinkBullet; PinkBullet; Pink Crush
Bullet; PinkBullet; PinkBullet; PinkBullet; Pink Can't Bear the Feels
Bullet; Red Love -Platonic-
Bullet; RedBullet; Red Love -Romantic-
Bullet; RedBullet; RedBullet; Red Very Loving
Bullet; Black Dislikes
Bullet; BlackBullet; Black Hates
Bullet; BlackBullet; BlackBullet; Black Wishes to Be Nowhere Near
Bullet; BlackBullet; BlackBullet; BlackBullet; Black Prays For Their Death
Bullet; Orange Family
Bullet; OrangeBullet; Orange Apprentice
Bullet; OrangeBullet; OrangeBullet; Orange Mentor
Rose Mate

[Name | : Bullet : | Region/Follower | Relation | Feelings | "Thoughts"]

[Clementine | Bullet; OrangeBullet; YellowBullet; YellowBullet; Red | North | Mother | Jennifer loves her mother dearly. Though with her training, she doesn't have much time to spend with her. | PENDING  ]

[Kaa |  Bullet; OrangeBullet; YellowBullet; Purple | Follower | Father | At first....she didn't like him...hated him more like it. Though with their meeting, that changed. Now, she has grown to trust her father. It even shows when she cried out for him when she was attacked by a Follower. | "Daddy will always be there for me, I know that for a fact~!" ]

[Iorek | Bullet; OrangeBullet; RedBullet; Purple | At the moment...things are a bit awkward since Jennifer's accident and the gathering. | "I don't have much to say...but it's not your fault...." ]

[Panthaleon | Bullet; OrangeBullet; BlueBullet; Red | North | Brother | Jennifer loves her brother, but hasn't spent much time with him. | PENDING ]

[Kynzikaa | Bullet; OrangeBullet; BlueBullet; Red | North | Brother | Dear...dear young brother.. Just like Pan, Jennifer hasn't interacted with him much. But that might change. | PENDING ]

[Olive | Bullet; OrangeBullet; BlueBullet; Red | North | Sister | Ever since she visited the Healer's den for the first time, the sisters have grown closer. Jennifer cherishes her little sister, and is willing to spend her free time with the dark furred she-cat. | "I have such an awesome little sister...I'm a pathetic elder sister...who's just an old Rookie..seems like the younger ones are beat their elder siblings..." ]

[Jack | Bullet; OrangeBullet; BlueBullet; BlueBullet; BlueBullet; Red | North | Brother | The yang to her yin...probably her world. They are inseparable since they were born, coming right after the other. If he wasn't around, she would be nothing. Just a hollow shell. | PENDING ]

[Glendower | Bullet; BlackBullet; BlackBullet; Black | North | Healer | Since their....argument...there is nothing left to mend. Seeing how the she-cat's opinion on Kaa...and seeing that Jennifer is his daughter...hell was sooner let loose between the two. Though Jennifer does not regret making the Healer an enemy. | "Bring it on, like I'm scared of you..." ]

[K'zaka | Bullet; OrangeBullet; OrangeBullet; OrangeBullet; PinkBullet; Pink | North | Guide | With time that has passed, there are strange feelings that show up whenever her Guide is near. Jennifer doesn't know what they are...and pretty clueless.. | "He's my actual Searcher.. Though been feeling a bit strange around him..dunno why.." ]

Sexual Orientation -Still confused
Status - Single/Pure virgin
First Kiss - None 
Crushes - K'zaka


+Her family
+Unknown lands or territory
+The dark and clear night skies
+Stars on a clear night

-Ice elements
-How others think of Dark elements
-Losing her twin
-Death and Bane
-Sunshine...ACK IT BURNS!
-Harm coming to Jack or even Olive
-Getting judged

Becoming a Searcher top priority...getting nowhere
Figure out the funny feelings question the siblings or someone
Learn to cope with just a single eye and overwhelming hair MOM HELP

Having a family...but who...wha..?
Become a somebody even with her element
Be an awesome Searcher

Judging herself due to her dark element'm a somebody...I swear...
Dying alone Who wants to die alone? 
Anything accomplished? NOPE-

RolePlay Sample

Rp from Virtual-War between my fluffy Kairos and Faye

"When you find that special one and they vanish...they leave a void that just can't be filled.." Kairos spoke softly. "...and I wanted to try filling it..but I'm still hollow." He thought back to the time in the System after the integration. All that he ran into...the scenery.. Yet he was the only feline there. Only creatures and a Firewall were his company. 
His raised an eyebrow at her words. "Well then, I bid you farewell." As the wind rushed as they fell. "Hopefully the next time we'll become friends even with the whole Anti-Virus and Virus situation." Kairos felt calm now. Before he had been frightened at the fall. Now it was peaceful. Like watching the stars from the rooftop. The air embracing him for moments before letting go. He closed his eyes as he fell, relaxing his limbs. If he regenerated, Kairos would accept it. If he came home broken, Kairos would be fine. Of course the concern of his father came flooding into his thoughts but was brushed aside. Right now, he just wanted to fall.

Design(C) :iconkitonika9:
Image size
1032x774px 992.72 KB
© 2015 - 2024 painkrc99
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Panai's avatar
Oh! Oh! Oh! K'zaka's mother was fully blind and he's used to leading around cats who have trouble seeing so with Jenny's eye this is perfect, and we should roleplay him teaching her about using her senses other than her eyesight, or we could roleplay when she was injured and came into the healers' den and Olive and K'zaka were both there because at that time K'zaka was still being treated by Olive for some of his burn wounds that he got in the West Region