Enjoying the DayPadfoot7411 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/padfoot7411/art/Enjoying-the-Day-377378304Padfoot7411

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Enjoying the Day



I am SUPER excited for the foal that is coming out of this breeding. I’ve been DYING to get it done so I can have the foalie. This is a breeding between *hillsveiwrider123’s Pyxis #51 and *MiusEmpire’s METS Magic Mirror #3634 . I cannot wait for this little Zebra to be born! SOOO EXCITED!!! Thank you so much to Minus and Hills for allowing me to breed their beautiful Nordanners :D

Pyxis was laying out in the grass enjoying the warm late spring day. She was half asleep when a young striped stallion walked towards her. Opening one eye she glanced up at him, she had never seen a stallion like him. Maybe he‘d be the perfect company to spend the day with.

(short story is short…sorry)

Pyxis’ ref: [link] by: =Loopie2008-stock
Mirror’s ref: [link] by: ~Deirdre-T
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1400x900px 1.27 MB
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Deirdre-T's avatar
Thank you for sharing. (: