-hi, I'm pac kun.
-I’m an illustrator, comic artist, sci-fi writer and a skeptic.
-I’m very interested in general science, cosmology, astrobiology, evolution by natural selection and recently quantum mechanics. Science is amazing, beautiful and elegantly explaining the real world we live in. simply I just love science very much!
-if you love science and like to discuss something about science, then I’m your friend and ally.
-also love to discuss about local comic industry, doujin projects, new ideas in comic writings (especially sci-fi), comic drawing technique, digital and manual.
-I was once loved to discuss about religion. Few years ago I just discovered religion is full of shit and I stop discussing about it. to me all religion is equally bullshit. I hate religion, I hate all religion. Science is more interesting in finding answer about the world.
-yeah, I'm a very stupid adult who still learn science. Clever people don't.
-I love to draw mechanical stuff and background. Plus I’d love hentai/ecchi and drawing it.
-love gadgets especially smartphone and tablet.
-love to watch movies, cosplay, anime and hentai fan also!
-the most important thing in my life is science and money, that's it, nothing else.
Favourite Visual Artist
masashi kishimoto, ichiro oda, obata takeshi, topan
Favourite Movies
ironman, avengers, paul, thor, star trek
Favourite TV Shows
the universe, discovery channel, sci-fi science, BBC documentary, nova science now, nova pbs, bbc horizon
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
fripside, the pillows, airi, monkey majik
Favourite Books
the greatest show on earth, the magic of reality, the god delusion, ancestors tale
Favourite Writers
richard dawkins, christopher hitchens
Favourite Games
counter strike, red alert yuri's revenge, worm
Favourite Gaming Platform
pc, psp
Tools of the Trade
my brain
Other Interests
skepticism, agnosticism, atheism, general science, evolution by natural selection, hentai, ecchi, mecha