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This is my new Facebook cover photo showing all my recent cosplays. Haven't I been a busy little bee?
#ozbattlechick #ozbattlechickcosplay #batgirlcosplay #66batgirlcosplay #blackcatcosplay #blackwidowcosplay #msmarvelcosplay #captainmarvelcosplay #catwomancosplay #wonderwomancosplay #blackcanarycosplay #greencanarycosplay #elastigirlcosplay #greenlanterncosplay #spidergwencosplay #huntresscosplay #phoenixcosplay #jeangreycosplay #spiderwomancosplay #juncosplay #supergirlcosplay #maryjanewatsoncosplay #spidergirlcosplay #nightwingcosplay #pinkrangercosplay #roguecosplay #invisiblewomancosplay #scarletwitchcosplay #waspcosplay #wolverinecosplay
I know you didn't ask, but Im giving my top three. Numbering left to right. And I admit, I am not at all aware the work and artistic imagination it takes to create the costumes... these personas. Mine is what pleases the eye. Number one takes the third spot. The original Batgirl's impact on my psyche has only increased over the decades. So thank you for being a 'busy bee' with her! 17 and 19 take 2nd and 3rd respectively. I think two reasons. One is your smile is so gorgeous and rare. The other is probably a blend between the hair and choker necklace (or as I like to think of them, collars). Outstanding visuals. Again, I know you deserve more credit for the work. As an honorable mention, the last image 34. The suit almost doesn't look real. Very sleek and VERY form hugging. You definitely compliment each other. Thanks for the years of sharing your cosplay world!