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Tunglskinn - Olrun's steed



I have to admit that in the Normundic and alike stories, the Moon Fur usually plays just the role of Olrun’s mount or a background character.

Which is kinda sad, considering the (at the very least) interesting relationship between him, Olrun and the two Olrun’s ravens – Gellingr and Blakki.

Tunglskinn being the incredibly wise and intelligent type (though silent as he can’t talk) with courage and rather strong moral code,
Olrun being equally as smart and full of knowledge as the elk but twice as sly, often leading the group with his tireless positive look on life,
Gellingr being the hyperactive, loud, little fuck in white feathered coat that just won’t shut up
and Blakki being the sober, pessimistic poet with his everlasting comments describing how everything suck,
together make almost typical family.

I doubt that there is someone Olrun works better with than with these guys*.

*(Edit: After some reconsideration maybe he could have some pretty strong bounds with his family, for example with one of his sons – Lomkí [the trickster/the joker] – but about that another time I hope)

But we are talking about Tunglskinn here, not Olrun. So let me tell you one of many stories in which the elk played the main role and which happened long before he even met the Allfather for the first time:


(Yes. I got carried away. Again. So it is kinda longer...)
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Roojoeus's avatar

I like how you write stories. Never boring to read. Something that I unfortunately cannot do :(
I love your fur shading and texture. Well, I’ll say, I just like the design of the elk!