Owlyjules on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/owlyjules/art/The-enchanted-hare-829511072Owlyjules

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April 2, 2020
The enchanted hare by Owlyjules
Featured by brennennn
Suggested by C-91
Owlyjules's avatar

The enchanted hare



“ Three young hares lived in the witch forest. Two brothers and a sister.

The young Jill wanted to be human so ardently that tears would fall off her golden eyes even while she slept.

Out of desperation her brothers went to the witch house and stole her wand changing the young Jill into the princess she was dreaming to be.

But if you caught her running between the trees on her way to the ball followed by her dark and light brothers, you might, for a second, see her wild eyes and quick paws. “

Little Mindless doodle with a little story. (A little prequel to my inktober piece about the queen of the hares.;)

Thank you all so much for the DD!:D

On other news This one is now available as a print on my shop here!:D

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1500x1063px 1.61 MB
© 2020 - 2024 Owlyjules
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AmberSchwarz's avatar

Incredible use of light, you make such wonderful work thank you for sharing <3